Jason Tew
The Beginnings of the Scramble For Africa Imperialism in Africa began in the late 19 th century with many contributing factors. separation of colonial Africa Berlin Confrence bd06eb70546http://people.tribe.net/chaz/blog/4669c7b9-8ecc-43a bd06eb70546f
Africa. The Dark Continent. Africa remained obscure to Europeans for much of history.
Major European People Cecil Rhodes (BSAC) King Leopold II Cecil Rhodes King Leopold II
African Workers in Mines Often times African workers were less skilled and treated very poorly.
Benefits and hindrances to African natives Natives taken from home to work or sold as slave Chiefs lived royaly African slave market
Scramble for Africa Cartoons Cecil Rhodes Transafrican Railroad Footprint of colonies on Africa Berlin Conference
Bibliography AP World History Wiki / Neocolonialism." AP World History Wiki / FrontPage. Web. 26 Mar Boddy-Evans, Alistair. "Scramble for Africa -- What Caused the Scramble for Africa." African History -- Explore the History of Africa. Web. 26 Mar Exploring Africa. Web. 26 Mar "Feedback November – Imperialism Cartoon." Gary Coyle's Grade 8 Humanities. Web. 26 Mar "[Regents Prep Global History] Imperialism: Scramble for Africa." Oswego City School District Regents Exam Prep Center. Web. 26 Mar