Helpful Hints for the AP World History Test Mr. Millhouse AP World History Hebron High School
Multiple-Choice Tips
70 M/C questions in 55 minutes You may not have time to answer all of the questions No penalty for guessing Tests are graded on a curve It isn’t how many questions you get correct; it’s how many questions you get correct compared to how many questions everybody else gets correct! Based upon previous years performance, your goal should be 50 questions correct Tip 1: Know the Rules
Answer the easy questions first. Skip text-based stimulus questions. Easy questions you know the answer to with very little thought needed. There are often easier questions at the end of the test. Answer harder questions next including stimulus-based questions. Don’t spend more than 1 minute on a question! Guess on questions where you have no clue. Don’t waste your time on these questions. Spend your time where it’s needed. Tip 2: Attack the Test
AVOID This At ALL Costs
Tips for M/C Questions Eliminate options you know are incorrect. Question answer choices unfamiliar to you. Question answer choices with absolutes such as: all, always, every, never, none, only, etc. Note answers with qualifiers such as: but, generally, however, may, often, rarely, seldom, usually, etc. If guessing between two answers that look alike, choose the one with the more detailed answer. Tip 3: Use Good M/C Strategies
Sample Question #1 Archaeological evidence indicates that Paleolithic hunter-gather societies used which of the following technologies? Revise the question What technology did early hunter-gatherers use? Tip 4: Simplify M/C Questions Without changing the meaning of the question!
Sample Question #2 Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the Inca and Roman Empires? A.Both empires required all inhabitants to practice only the state religion. B.Both empires enslaved all conquered populations. C.Both empires relied on an extensive network of maritime trade. D.Both empires were able to integrate distant provinces through extensive roadways. Tip 5: Search for What You Know
Essay Tips
MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THE PROMPT WANTS YOU TO ACCOMPLISH! Every year students misunderstand the question or fail to answer the question being asked. ATTACK THE QUESTION!!! THE ONLY RULE
AP suggests the following essay timing: DBQ – 50 minutes CCOT & Comparison – 40 minutes each I believe the following is more manageable: DBQ – 60 (or 70) minutes CCOT & Comparison – 35 (or 30) minutes each Start by looking at the three essays and create a timing plan for you. The more familiar you are with the CCOT and Comparison the more time you will need for the essays. FINISH the DBQ!!!! Tip 1: Have a Timing Plan
Know the nuances of each question DBQ Use ALL of the documents “Add value” to earn evidence when using documents Create THREE groups Try 3 point of view statements & 2 additional document statements CCOT Quantify the change in your thesis statement & body paragraphs Global Context Comparison Quantify the difference in your thesis statement & body paragraphs Tip 2: Know the Rules
What if I don’t know the answer to the CCOT essay and/or Comparison essay? Write what you know. Sometimes you know more than you think. There is no harm in trying the essays. Asset model grading means you EARN points for what you do correct. Remember the “rules” of history Example: Population will increase when a healthy food product is introduced to a region capable of growing the product Make sure your DBQ is PERFECT! Tip 3: What if I don’t know the answer?
PERFECT the DBQ! Here’s how you can attempt to PERFECT your DBQ 1.Start your conclusion with “In conclusion…” 2.Put a * before your conclusion paragraph. 3.Put a * after your conclusion paragraph. Write a POV paragraph with several attempts at POV. 4.Put a ** before your conclusion paragraph. 5.Put a ** after your conclusion paragraph. Write an additional document paragraph with several attempts at additional document. Tip 4: What if I finish early?
General Advice to Improve Test Performance
Study on Tuesday night Review the regions, social science vocabulary, themes, chronology, essay rubrics, etc. Don’t fail the AP test because you didn’t study the basics Do NOT study on Wednesday night Relax If you MUST study, keep it light. Cramming only increases test anxiety. Go to bed early (before midnight) Tip 1: Don’t Study
Don’t wake up too early. Wake up early enough to: Eat breakfast! It is a LONG test. Bring pencils, blue or black ink pens, and a watch. Make it to the testing area early. Don’t rush. When you get to the testing area, RELAX! Don’t scramble to study last minute material. Be confident. You are an elite student with great teachers at a high performing high school. You can be confident that you can & will do well. Tip 2: Wake Up Early
Store a granola bar, power bar, etc. 7:30 AM to noon is a long time to go without food. Eat your snack during break time between multiple-choice section and essay section. If you get caught, I eschew all responsibility. Tip 3: Sneak a snack