5/25/1999 NAVO’s War-Fighter Image Processing Environment (A Network Centric Image Processing System) Prepared for the Naval Oceanographic Office May 25, 1999 Dr. Erick Malaret ACT Corp.
5/25/1999 OUTLINE NAVO’s WIPE System Overview WIPE’s Building Blocks Examples with WIPE Real-Time WIPE DEMO Concluding Remarks
5/25/1999 WIPE is a network centric system For Geo-Spatial Data: Assimilation, Processing, and Distribution WIPE provides Flexible WWW Access to all Data in an Interactive Manner ==> Products and Virtual Products War-fighter Image Processing Environment
5/25/1999 NAVO/WIPE System A WIPE (classified) server has been implemented at NAVO to host the following data sets over the SIPRNET Acoustic Imagery Bathymetry Satellite Imagery Surface Sediments Bottom Roughness Mine-Like Contacts Ship Location 3d Grid of Ocean Temperatures 3d Grid of Ocean Salinity Wrecks and Obstructions
5/25/1999 MSHELL - Image Processing Interpreter Language developed by ACT. The language has a high level syntax similar to Matlab and IDL. ProVIEW - Professional Windows Environment for Windows (ProVIEW). ProVIEW has extensive capabilities in image processing, analysis, and map generation. WIPE - War-fighter Image Processing Environment. Data Assimilation, Processing, and distribution system with WWW interactive capabilities. MSHELL provides the computational engine used by ProVIEW & WIPE ProVIEW provides many of the graphical capabilities used under WIPE WIPE LEVERAGES IN ACT’s SOFTWARE
5/25/1999 Mission Critical Support Experience WIPE and its building blocks (MSHELL and ProVIEW) have been extensively used in many mission critical operations
5/25/1999 O96 (REA) SACLANT CENTER - (REA) NRL’s Naval Center for Space Technology NEMO NAVO NOAA NRL Stennis & SPAWAR (DEI Project) WIPE’s KEY USERS TIMETIME
5/25/1999 WIPE’s Data Types, and Models WIPE supports multiple data types: Point Data Vector Data Gridded Data Non-gridded Data Volumetric Data N-Dimensional Data WIPE supports key industry data standards: SQL Relational Data Bases Vector Product Format Shapefile (ArcInfo,ArcVIEW) NetCDF CEOS (Radarsat, …) ASCII Tables PDS (NASA) and FITS...
5/25/1999 WIPE’s Output WIPE supports multiple data output options for both raw data and meta-data textual output interactive access to data values 2-D plots and 3-D plots for selected regions image view of data JPEG,GIF float files, and NetCDF files (good for further analysis)
5/25/1999 WIPE Server #1 WIPE Server #2 WIPE Server #M HTTP/CGI CORBA Client #1 WEB Browser with swingjar java classes support Clien #K WEB Browser with swingjar java classes ProVIEW Data Provider #1 Satellite Imagery: SAR, LANDSAT, SPOT, AVHRR,... mine locations... Data Provider #N 3D Model Data virtual products from WIPE in-situ bathymetry... Transfer Method(s) to a WIPE server Sample Data Providers Interactive Midleware Protocol(s) Interactive Clients requesting and receving virtual products Network of WIPE Servers Hosting Geo-Spatial Data FTP CORBA Network Centric High-Level Architecture Non-WIPE Server
5/25/1999 WIPE Data Server/Processing Engine (Windows/NT or UNIX machine) WIPE Sensor Data Assimilation Engine (Windows/NT or UNIX machine) HIGH Level WIPE Functional Architecture (for a single WIPE System) Data Provider, e.g. SAR Satellite HyperSpectral Satellite Data From Other Sources Updates to Digital Terrain Elevation Updates to Known Bathymetry Other Tape Loading or FTP transfer or... Queries Results Client Using Web Browser Can Access all Sensor Data in an interactive manner With ProVIEW on Client Side: Accepts data files with embedded code,e.g PDS and NetCDF Allows further data analysis (Note: Multiple WIPE servers can collaborate in a transparent manner)
5/25/1999 Single WIPE Server Architecture Proposed Enhancement with “METCAST + DEI/DOI” ProVIEW WEB AGENT MSHELL (IMAGE PROCESSING INTERPRETER LANGUAGE) Large Collection of Multi-Dimensional Image Processing Algorithms User Provided Algorithms: static and dynamic Midleware Interfaces: based on CGI ( CORBA in the near future) To Other WIPE LANs DEI Sites OTHER HTTP Servers Interactive Users or applications access to selected: source data products virtual products visualization tools Subscribed Users or Subscribed Apps Sample Data Sources: satellite images gridded data non-gridded data ASCII files Vector data volumetric data ArcInfo files Other Inputs: METADATA ALGORITHMS Model output WIPE output product METADATA w/ LINKS TO REPOSITORY! High Level Data Finder Queries Meta Data Requests Actual data and output format Assimilation Engines/Code SCHEDULER checks for new data garbage collection Invokes ProVIEW scripts Staging Incoming Directory (security) PROCESSED Data and/or SOURCE DATA (file system) Flexible Readers extracts & re-samples as needed ROI Data Packers and Data Visualization META DATA (SQL Data base) Configuration Tables (SQL Dbase) Assimilation Engine Server Engine WIPE server can consist of a single Windows/NT machine (200MHz and above)
5/25/1999 EXAMPLE SCREENS ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES SHOW NAVO (Un-classified Examples) REA 96 data REA 98 data
5/25/1999 High Level Search Browser High Level Search Browser is used for finding data as a function of: Time Sensor Location REA data availability
5/25/1999 Security is built on top of Windows/NT Password and Login IP Address of Client Access restrictions are done on each data- source, e.g. user x can access Bathymetry data but not satellite data High Level Search Browser (cont.)
5/25/1999 High Level Search Browser (cont.) Use the Navigation to step back to a previous display Use the zoom button to move in and out of an area
5/25/1999 User can zoom in into any area of interest High Level Search Browser (cont.)
5/25/1999 Color assignment to meta-data can be under WIPE administrator control High Level Search Browser (cont.)
5/25/1999 Interactive Raw Data Browser
5/25/1999 Interactive Raw Data Browser
5/25/1999 Interactive Raw Data Browser
5/25/1999 Bathymetry Contours are generated on the fly. Interactive Raw Data Browser
5/25/1999 Interactive Raw Data Browser
5/25/1999 Using the: ‘Select Action|NetCDF’ option The user can generate a custom data cube to be downloaded into his machine for further usage (AESS or user apps) For example, the generated cube can consist of SAR at different times, bathymetry, DTED,... Interactive Raw Data Browser
5/25/1999 WIPE USER PROFILES A session can be saved for future access When a session is created it can be shared with other users
5/25/1999 META-DATA QUERY RESULTS High Level Search Browser (cont.)
5/25/1999 Before After WWW Geo-referencing of satellite data against known coastal features is easily done Interactive Raw Data Browser
5/25/1999 In WIPE the User has direct Access to the DATA! Line Profile View View4d Interactive Raw Data Browser
5/25/1999 Internally WIPE creates multiple resolutions for imagery data Given a user requested resolution, WIPE uses the best internal image match Interactive Raw Data Browser
5/25/1999 An Analyst Using WIPE can Perform Ambient Noise measurements: -ship size/type -ship density estimation -heading -... Interactive Raw Data Browser
5/25/1999 Example of Hyper-Spectral or Volumetric Data Processing
5/25/1999 REAL TIME DEMO
5/25/1999 Incorporate Additional Sensor Modalities or Data Sets on the Existing WIPE Server Incorporate Display Options Suggested by NAVO, e.g. Map Projections Use of Additional WIPE Servers, E.G. Ingest Acoustic Imagery and Related Data Aboard a Ship for Rapid Access Interface to NAVO’ Data-Warehouse Investigate use of WIPE to support generation of Dynamic STOICs Interface NAVO Applications With WIPE Server Install Proview Workstations That Interface With WIPE for More Complex Processing on the Client Side Interface NAVO/WIPE Server(s) With Other WIPE Servers at SACLANTC, NOAA,... Possible Future Developments at NAVO
5/25/1999 CONCLUDING REMARKS ACT Is Interested in Working With NAVO in Demonstrating How The WIPE Architecture Can Assist NAVO’s WSC
5/25/1999 NETWORK CENTRIC Access to REA Data Sample Sets: Acoustic Bathymetry Roughness Salinity Sediment Temperature Mine Contacts Ship Wrecks. Satellite Imagery Access to Other User Session Profiles Time Window of Interest
5/25/1999 Sample Region of Interest Selected Location of Acoustic Data Collection Sites and Mines Selected Region to Zoom (see next VG)
5/25/1999 Interactive Access to Acoustic Data Scroll Window Capability
5/25/1999 Sample Region of Interest Selected Bathymetry Mine Locations
5/25/1999 Image Below depicts: Sediment Classes (SHAPE file Format) Mine Locations Interactive Raw Data Browser
5/25/1999 Ability to Zoom Into Any Region of Interest Data Sets are automatically Re-sampled Overlays can be enable or disabled Can access any layer in volumetric data sets
5/25/1999 Immediate Access to any Layer in NAVO Temperature Datasets ROI over Spatial and Temporal Selections Temperature Cube (NetCDF format) and Mine Locations
5/25/1999 NETWORK CENTRIC Access to REA Data Sample Sets: Acoustic Bathymetry Roughness Salinity Sediment Temperature Mine Contacts Ship Wrecks. Satellite Imagery Access to Other User Session Profiles Time Window of Interest