W onderful I nteractive P rofessional E ngagement I n T eaching Chinese Language Documents AuthorsMrs Tan-Lee Yoke Kew, Mee Toh School, Singapore To recognize Chinese Characters with the use of technology To use appropriate intonation in hanyu pinyin and be able to read Chinese characters and words confidently Objectives Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft pinyin, Microsoft Paint Software Description“WIPE IT” is a project which introduces Microsoft Paint, Microsoft PowerPoint and MS pinyin as a medium for teaching and learning of Chinese language. Students are given the opportunity to explore the medium and learn the correct strokes and pronunciation of Chinese characters. Learning Areas Chinese Language Levels Primary 1Chinese Language, strokes, pronunciation Keywords Project Overview
W onderful I nteractive P rofessional E ngagement I n T eaching Chinese Language Teacher Planning and Management Click the documents below to help you understand the context of this exemplary learning project: Background & Planning: A big picture of the origin and objectives of the learning project, including the manner in which the project was planned and managed. Classroom Images: Images of the classroom to give you a better feeling for how the project was implemented. Documents
W onderful I nteractive P rofessional E ngagement I n T eaching Chinese Language Teaching Resources Click the documents below to view the teaching resources used in the teaching of this learning project: Special Feature: Instructions on the creating Chinese characters using “wipe”. Class Server Resources: Examples of independent learning resources for students screenshots of MS SharePoint. Teaching Resources for teachers: Microsoft PowerPoint Slideshow to aid in the delivery of the lessons. Reflections: A compilation of reflections / survey done by teachers, pupils and parents Documents
W onderful I nteractive P rofessional E ngagement I n T eaching Chinese Language Assessment and Standards Click the documents below to see the assessment rubrics and standards cover in this learning project: Assessment Rubrics: Examples of assessment rubrics provided to students showing how the project was assessed. Sample of Students Works: Examples of Teacher’s assessment of students’ works Documents
W onderful I nteractive P rofessional E ngagement I n T eaching Chinese Language School and Teacher Information The School Mee Toh School is a government aided school with a population of 1300 and 60 teachers. It is a 53 year old established school located on the northeast part of Singapore. Its niche area is in Chinese Language. In 2008 February, it will be launched as the Centre of Excellence for Chinese Language in the North 4 Cluster of schools. School Vision : Touching Souls, Challenging Minds School Mission : To maximize pupils’ potential and develop in them a passion for life-long learning, guided by integrity, compassion and self-discipline. Core Values:( 慈 )compassion, ( 良 )Kindness, ( 清 )Purity,( 直 )integrity The Teacher Name: Mrs Tan-Lee Yoke Kew Years of Teaching Experience: 33 Teaching Subjects: Chinese Language, Art and Craft, Moral and Civics Education [Primary] Contact :