Relational Mission © Mike Breen


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Presentation transcript:

Relational Mission © Mike Breen

Jesus’ Evangelistic Strategy Luke 10 : 1 – 12 After this the Lord appointed seventy two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. © Mike Breen

Jesus’ Evangelistic Strategy Luke 10 : Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road “When you enter a house, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ © Mike Breen

Jesus’ Evangelistic Strategy Luke 10 : If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; if not, it will return to you. Stay in that house, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages. Do not move around from house to house. © Mike Breen

Jesus’ Evangelistic Strategy Luke 10 : “When you enter a town and are welcomed, eat what is set before you. Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God is near you.’ But when you enter a town and are not welcomed, go into its streets and say, © Mike Breen

Jesus’ Evangelistic Strategy Luke 10 : 1 – 12 ‘Even the dust of your town that sticks to our feet we wipe off against you. Yet be sure of this: The kingdom of God is near.’ I tell you, it will be more bearable on that day for Sodom than for that town. © Mike Breen

Jesus’ Evangelistic Strategy Team Time Target Task Trouble! © Mike Breen

Peace Person of The Key Unlocks the Process! © Mike Breen

The Person of Peace Luke 10 : 16 “He who listens to you listens to me; he who rejects you rejects me; but he who rejects me rejects him who sent me.” © Mike Breen

The Person of Peace A person of peace is someone who is open to hearing what God will give you to say at that moment. We need to keep our eyes open looking out for the people of peace that are in our lives. © Mike Breen

Perception Peace Person of Perception © Mike Breen

Perception Perception is like “testing the temperature” to see if someone is a person of peace. © Mike Breen

Presence Peace Person of © Mike Breen

Presence Evangelism Presence evangelism occurs when you are present in a situation or with an individual or group. Wherever you are is always an opportunity to act as Jesus would act, speak as Jesus would speak. © Mike Breen

Peace Person of Proclamation © Mike Breen

Proclamation These are occasions when you tell the message of Jesus Christ to someone who does not believe in Jesus. Proclamation is not just for preachers or professional Christians! © Mike Breen

Not All Relationships Are The Same The Sprint Peace Person of Passing Relationships © Mike Breen

Passing Relationships People who we only meet once or twice are what we would call passing relationships We may not lead them all the way through to a personal relationship with Christ, but we may be used to bring them a step closer to Jesus © Mike Breen

The Marathon Not All Relationships The Same Permanent Relationships Peace Person of © Mike Breen

Permanent Relationships Permanent relationships exist with your family and close friends You are with these people often, for extended periods of time In these relationships, its important that you do not force the Gospel message, but pray, wait and watch for opportunities. © Mike Breen

Peace of Preparation Person Preparation © Mike Breen

Preparation Preparation is similar to cultivating soil and planting seeds to prepare for a harvest. © Mike Breen

Power Person of Peace Power © Mike Breen

Power When God turns up! Healing, deliverance, prophecies © Mike Breen

For more information go to © Mike Breen