1.Set-up a table. 2.Wipe it down. 3.Everyone wash hands. 4.Collect Equipment 1.Stove / gas 2.Pan 3.Bowl 4.Mixing spoon 5.Table spoon 6.Table knives (2) 7.Cake wrappers 5.Collect Ingredients 1.Butter - 1 table spoon – in your pan 2.Marshmallows – 1 cup 3.Rice Krispies 1 ½ cups 6.Instructions 1.Cut up the marshmallows. 2.Melt butter over a low light 3.Add marshmallows and melt 4.Add Rice Krispies 5.Mix gently but well 6.Turn out into cake wrappers and decorate. 7.Put the cake aside to cool. 8.Wash and dry up. 9.Wipe you table. 10.Tidy away. 11.Eat the cakes.
Safety Rules For Knife, Axe & Saw 1.Wear ________________ shoes not trainers. 2.Take off anything that could get ________like scarf’s. 3.Never use an axe or saw with a ___________or blade. 4.Ensure that there are no __________ trees or bushes. 5.Make sure that on one is _____________axe lengths. 6.Always use a ______________ block. 7.Do not use a knife, axe, or saw when __________________. 8.Always mask the axe or saw and _________ when not needed. 9.Always keep tools _______and ________. 10.Carry axes and saws _________. 11.When using a knife always cut _______from you. 12.Never ______knifes or stick them in the ground.
Safety Rules For Knife, Axe & Saw 1) Wear boots or hard shoes not trainers. 2) Take off anything that could get tangled like scarf’s. 3) Never use an axe or saw with a loose head or blade. 4) Ensure that there are no overhanging trees or bushes. 5) Make sure that on one is closer than 3 axe lengths. 6) Always use a firm chopping block. 7) Do not use a knife, axe, or saw when you are tired. 8) Always mask the axe or saw and put away when not needed. 9) Always keep tools clean and sharp. 10) Carry axes and saws correctly. 11) When using a knife always cut away from you. 12) Never throw knifes or stick them in the ground.
boots or hard Tangled loose head Overhanging closer than 3 firm chopping when you are tired put away clean and sharp Correctly cut away throw