Logistics Slides, bullets, talking An iPhone demo* Pre recorded for this Webinar and posted to pause and watch A little more slides, bullets, talking An iPad demo* Pre recorded for this Webinar and posted to pause and watch
“Context is worth 80 IQ points”
History & Roadmap User Experience Time YesterdayTodayTomorrow Remote Access FollowMePC 1.0 FollowMePC 2.0 FollowMePC 3.0 Presentation Server Branch Offices XenApp XenServer XenDesktop Repeater AG XenClient Home Office
Hosted Desktop Infrastructure XenServer Provisioning Services Infrastructure Repeater XenDesktop Infrastructure Web Interface XenApp Infrastructure Access Gateway SAN XenServer SNR Denton US Data Center Exchange 2007 w\ ActiveSync
Branch Office Hotel Home Office Repeater Access Gateway SNR Denton US Client Access View AT&T 90% Verizon 10%
Performance expectations Single application model or Windowed mode Educate on settings Educate on usage - closing Customized apps for iPhone iPhone Demo
Haven't had it long, but wow! The endpoint still matters XenDesktop better fit XenApp Integration One device to rule them all? iPad Demo
Lessons Learned Write a good policy, post it, reference it – Remote wipe, including personal content – Lost, stolen and don’t forget selling devices IRU and CRU – iPad is IRU only currently, iPhone both There’s an app for that – We support two functions Anything that touches ActiveSync (e.g., Mail) Citrix Receiver – We don’t support or provide App Store apps
Lessons Learned Security – Multiple layers Starting with 4.0 encryption on the device ActiveSync \ remote wipe capabilities Citrix Receiver – NetScaler\Access Gateway policies Certificate generated as part of profile on device Stronger and enforced passcodes \ device lock
Lessons Learned Device\iOS Management – iTunes Required to activate\update We don’t install\support on firm machines (content concern) – Manual approach (here currently) Track iPhone users Targeted communications Especially when an update is available through iTunes Test it, watch ILTA threads, try to get in beta releases – 3 rd Party Tools - Mobilestrat
Q & A