How to Paint Like a Master Video Mini-Project Tools for the Visualization of Information- EDTC635 Professor Abate
Target Audience… There are three videos revolve around a “Paint Like a Master” WebQuest. These videos are a demonstrational in nature. These videos are targeted for a basic Art I class, in a High School setting.
Video #1: WebQuest Navigations This video was made for the purpose of students being able to easily navigate through the Paint Like a Master WebQuest. It is a screen capture video, going step-by-step, making sure students understand where everything is. The video will be played on the screen in the media center so students can follow along with the video. When the video is over, students should be able to break up into their pairs, and begin the WebQuest with confidence. YouTube link: ?v=tKCv21S_IXM&list=UUXM87s cxTpFoYCcMDgi5kCg
Video #2- How to set up your workspace This video is for students setting up a painting workspace for the first time. It explains how to set up a palette with paint, and what painting supplies are needed such as paintbrushes, a water cup, paper towels, a canvas, and palette paper. It gives student’s some tips on where to place paint on their palette, and where the best place is to mix paint. YouTube Link: tch?v=Xkpr21_JYpo&list=UUX M87scxTpFoYCcMDgi5kCg
Video #3: How to Clean up your workspace With this video, students will learn how to properly clean up their workspaces. They learn the importance of leaving a clean workspace for the next class coming in. Students will learn: What to do with left over paint. Where to put their painting to dry. How to put away the Acrylic Paints. How to clean their paintbrushes. How to wipe down their space.
NJ Core Curriculum Standards…… D.2- Stimuli for the creation of artworks can come from many places, including other arts disciplines. A.1- Cultural and historical events impact art-making as well as how audiences respond to works of art. A.2- Access to the arts has a positive influence on the quality of an individual’s lifelong learning, personal expression, and contributions to community and global citizenship. D.2- Produce an original body of artwork in one or more art mediums that demonstrates mastery of visual literacy, methods, techniques, and cultural understanding. D.3- Organize an exhibit of personal works of visual art that convey a high level of understanding of how the expression of ideas relates to the art media, art mediums, and techniques used. D.5- Identify the styles and artistic processes used in the creation of culturally and historically diverse two- and three- dimensional artworks, and emulate those styles by creating an original body of work
What to expect: Objectives: Students will be learning to identify the different styles of the Impressionistic paintings. Students will be analyzing painting and composition techniques in order to replicate Masters’ artwork. Students will relate Masters’ masterpieces to their own artwork. Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, students will be familiar with the Masters of the Impressionistic art period, along with the style that the Masters used to create their masterpieces. Students will apply newly learned concepts to paint in the style of the Great Masters, and will have the ability and knowledge to create their own masterpiece, using the same subject matter, styles, and techniques, which when finished, will be hung in their museums.
Brainy Bits… Sensory Input: Touch Art is very hands on Sight Painting Watching videos/WebQuest Smell Sound Listening to the videos Listening to Classmates Cerebral Lobes: Frontal Lobe: Thinking and Planning-Students have to plan out their painting, and think about their answers for the WebQuest. Parietal Lobe Spatial Orientation- Creating a painting. Temporal Lobe: Listening and Speech- Students have to listen to the videos and one another when working on the WebQuest Occipital Lobe: Vision- Students have to watch the three videos, complete the WebQuest, and create a painting.
Pedagogy Mind Styles: Concrete Sequential: This learner will excel during the research and art making sections. They are quiet and independent, yet have exact instructions on what to do. Concrete Random This learner will excel during the art making process. It is a very hands on project, and produces a real and creative product. Abstract Random This learner will do well during the part of the WebQuest when the students have to explain their findings to each other. Also during the group work part. Abstract Sequential This learner will do well during the research section, along with the art making. These are both independent objectives.
Citations: State of New Jersey. (2009). Art core curriculum content standards. Retrieved from x.htmlhttp:// x.html Gregorc, Anthony. Gregorc Style Delineator. A Self- Assessment Instrument for Adults. Columbia, CT: Gregorc Associates, Inc., Print. Sousa, D. (2005).How the brain learns. a classroom teacher’s guide. (4th ed.).Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.