W HAT IS J UDAISM ? Do you know...?
I NTRODUCTION VIDEO This short video clip would be an ideal introduction to sources of authority such as the Torah, beliefs and artefacts for a class looking at Judaism shema/3651.html
K EY F ACTS Originated in the Middle East over 3500 years ago Founded by Moses, although Jews trace their history back to Abraham. Jews believe that there is only one God. Jewish people keep God’s laws and try to bring holiness into every aspect of their lives. 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust in an attempt to wipe out Judaism.
K EY W ORDS Synagogue The Jewish house of worship. The Torah The most Holy text in Judaism. A Rabbi A spiritual leader Bar Mitzvah Jewish coming of age rituals.
S ABBATH - H EBREW WORD FOR REST. It begins at nightfall on Friday and lasts until nightfall on Saturday, so it lasts about 25 hours. God commanded the Jewish People to observe the Sabbath and keep it holy as the fourth of the Ten Commandments. Shabbat is a time with no television, no rushing to the demands of the telephone or a busy work schedule. Shabbat is very much a time when families come together in the presence of God in their own home. Most Jewish people look forward to Shabbat all week. They see it as God's gift to his chosen people of a day when they take time out from everyday things to feel special. Some useful video clips ps/shabbat-part-1of-2/4744.html ps/shabbat-part-2-of-2/4745.html
L IBERAL J UDAISM Lily Montagu – strict orthodox family, founder of Liberal Judaism to help people fit their faith into their lives Association of 30 independent synagogues Torah – don’t believe it was written by God and given to Moses on stone tablets – it should be responded to by the culture and moralities of our time today Worship and ritual – men and women can sit together in services and can both take part in services Gender issues – men and women are equal and women can take part in many rituals such as leading services or becoming a rabbi. Multi – faith marriages are allowed. Kosher – some regard these rules as irrelevant to them and others think it is significant –up to them.
R EFORMED J UDAISM Began in Germany in 1819, but emerged in Britain in 1842 with the establishment of the West London Synagogue It developed partly out of a need for internal religious changes and partly because of wider factors operating in society at large They sought to inhabit both worlds, loyal to their tradition but also part of modernity.. In Reform synagogues they sit together with men, participate actively in public worship and can now also be rabbis. Sections of the liturgy were omitted if they no longer corresponded to what Jews believed. Services were no longer conducted solely in Hebrew, but in a mixture of Hebrew and English,
O RTHODOX J UDAISM Believe that the Jewish people left the slavery of Egypt and rendezvoused with G- d at a mountain called Sinai. There, Moses was given the Torah Believe theres only one God, Hashem Attempt to follow all 613 commandments Go to the Synagogue 3x a day Largest population of Orthodox Jews are in Israel Have to abide by Kosher food law Shabbat is their day of rest
U LTRA -O RTHODOX (‘H AREDI ’) J UDAISM Most strict branch of Judaism Haredi = awe-inspired fear to perform the will of God million worldwide; mainly in Israel, West Europe and North America Segregation from modern society to maintain their adherence to Jewish law Lifestyle - opposed to TV, phones and internet - gender separation in education and prayer - very family orientated Very traditional dress
K OSHER This is a fun video clip aimed at children to explain the rules that surround Kosher foods/7467.html The next video shows children shopping in a supermarket for a special occasion. for-pesach/6598.html
O THER USEFUL WEBSITES AND VIDEO CLIPS _1.shtml judaism/4675.html