Lauren Davidson New Gym Members
The first step to a healthier lifestyle The gym has its own set of rules At first you may feel: -Intimidated -Out of place -Unsure You Joined a Gym
Membership Trainers Apparel Gym Etiquette Classes Cell Phone Motivation
Consider location Avoid far/ inconvenient locations Facility should be close to home/ workplace Keep in mind hours
Affordable Within your budget Membership offers/ benefits Free personal training sessions Group fitness classes Equipment quality Clean and functional 7 Tips
Take advantage of classes Chance to meet gym members Wide variety of classes Fun way to work out
SOME GROUP FITNESS CLASSES TYPICALLY OFFERED: Zumba Cycling/ Spinning Pilates Yoga Kick Boxing Strength and Endurance
7 Tips
Personal trainers are there for your benefit Offer personalized exercise programs Teach proper form Able to offer additional fitness advice
Make sure your trainer is certified 7 Tips
Avoid wearing inappropriate or loose clothes May get caught in equipment Avoid cotton Absorbs sweat and odor Invest in dry-fit materials Do not overspend
Running shoes may create instability Elevated heel Invest in a pair of training shoes (cross- trainers) Wide, flat foot-bed Multi-directional tread pattern
7 Tips Nike Ascics ReebokUnderarmor
PUT IT DOWN! Do not text or make calls Emergencies only Using your cell phone: Taking up exercise space Annoyance to other gym goers Leave your cell phone in a locker 7 Tips
Give other gym goers their space Do not crowd lifters Avoid blocking mirrors Use designated areas appropriately Example: No yoga in the weight room
Keep it quiet Keep music volume reasonable Avoid grunting and groaning Share the equipment “Work in” with others during rest periods Put equipment away after use Re-rack weights
Carry a personal towel Wipe away sweat as you work out Wipe down equipment when finished Use a towel and disinfectant spray to clean equipment 7 Tips
Keep it going! Do not take on too much too soon Beginning Goal: 30 minutes, 2-4 days a week Set long-term and short-term goals Progressively increase duration, frequency, and intensity 7 Tips