When you are face-to face with a dissatisfied customer, try to put aside any feeling of anger, or hurt or embarrassment. Deal with the situation calmly and professionally. Don’t wait for the customer to actually use the word ‘Complain” or “complaint” before acting. You can recognise dissatisfaction from the general behaviour of customers, the words they use, the expressions on their face and their body language. Deal with well,unhappy customers can become your best customers. Instead of remembering the worst,staying away and telling other of their bad experiences these are some of the main dangers if the complain is not properly acted upon.
So Listen to the complaint without interruption Show that you are listening with focus Offer to help sort the problem out Report back on your results
Given this, we should always Pay attention Make no assumptions Listen to all information (filter out the emotion) Acknowledge, respond and inform Never defend, make excuses or ignore the customers point of view
Then you could Appologise properly and sincerely, but do not admint that you or the bar is at fault Do not make axcuses or blame anyone else Never argue or disagree. React as if the customers are right, even when you believe otherwise Keep calm and remain polite If appropriate, and it is the procedure in your workplace offer a replacement Where you do provide a replacement or alternative, do so quickly, with another apology for the incovenience
Check later that the new drink is satifactory Complate the special order or form, to avoid problems with stock or cash control Never offer something you cannot provide- consider what would happen if the customers accepts your suggestion of another drink, but you find the bar have run out Thank the customers for bringing the matter to your attention-said with feeling, this will show the customers that you are genuine in your efforts to put things right.
Spillages : a drink or food is spilled by a customer, by you or by one of your colleagues. Breakages : from a dropped plate, cup, glass, bottle Lost property : customer claims to have left behind a bag, breifcase, coat, umbrella Equipment faults : equipment provided for the customers use or comfort does not work properly
Wipe up the spill or breakage, call your manager, move the customers, or get another drink Pay attentiont to safety. Carefully remove or clear away broken glass, which might couse a cut, wipe up liquid spills which might couse people tto slip and fall,turn off and isolate equipment which might injure people Work towards the comfort and convenience of the customers. Tidy up the area affected by the breakage or spill, offer paper towels so spills on customers clothes can be dried, move the customers to another tables, get the detail of lost property and ask the customers to be seated while you check. Get things back normal by bringing another drink After things are back normal, record the incident
Importent information would be: The date and time Names of people involved Description of the incident What action was taken And by whom Any follow-up action required, e.g to arrange repair of faulty equipment A system for recording insidents helps deal with claims for compensation and investigations into the cause of accidents or injury.
Managers can make decisions such as : Offering complimentary service, or making an allowance on their bill- because the incident was not their fault, or if it was as a gesture of goodwill Depending on genuineness of the claim regarding property left behind,or money lost in the vending machine, offer some kind of compensation/ arrange for insurance to cover incidences Paying for dry cleaning of a customer’s clothes