Removing iPads from the cart Unplug Carefully Pull out of slot Hold iPad with both hands Sit iPad on table BEFORE pulling out chair Sit in chair Keep your hands in your lap and off the iPad while you wait for teacher instructions
Basic Operation Portrait and Landscape Home Button and slide the slider bar Swipe fingers to change pages (dots at the bottom represent pages) Explain how home button works Explain search Explain folders
DO NOT use the camera unless a teacher tells you to Use the app the teacher assigned DO NOT change wallpaper or folders DO NOT lock the iPad with a passcode DO NOT search for inappropriate sites or create inappropriate material DO NOT download or delete apps
Use a soft cloth to wipe the iPad clean Keep the iPad out of extreme heat or cold Wash your hands before use!
1. Choose and type 3 expectations for iPad use on the notepad app. 2. Take pictures of your group members displaying the appropriate behavior. 3. Upload pictures to the “Pic Collage” App.