APRIL FOOL´S DAY April fool´s day is also called “All fool´s day”. No one is sure how the custom of fooling people began. Many people think that “April´s fool day” began in France in 1564. In France that day is called “Poisson d´avril” (April fish) bakeries decorate their windows with chocolate fish and people stick paper fish on their friends´ backs. In Great Britain and U.S.A., on the 1st April people play tricks on people. In Spain people celebrate “All fool´s day” on 28th December and children stick paper men on their friend´s backs.
April fool smile Q: Why are people so tired on April 1st? A: Because they just finished a 31-day March
April fool weather watch If it thunders on All Fool's Day, expect good crops of corn and hay.
April fool´s poem Small April sobbed I'm going to cry Please give me a cloud to wipe my eye Then April Fool she laughed instead And smiled a rainbow overhead.
Now remember "April 1st can be filled with 'giggles and smiles', it is okay to have fun... but don't do things to "hurt" other people. Treat others as you would want them to treat you.
April fool fun idea Office/Computer fun Use a small post-it note and place it under someone's computer mouse (covering the ball on the bottom). When they go to use the mouse, it won't do anything! Remember to write "April Fool!" on the bottom.