How God Used Ellen White to Guide our Church “By a Prophet” How God Used Ellen White to Guide our Church
Bleak Prospects Few believers Little money No doctrinal unity Hiram Edson and friends studying sanctuary Joseph Bates promoting Sabbath Whites accepted it on Bible evidence EGW vision confirmed, seven months later
1840s: God’s First Priority– Doctrine Hiram Edson and friends—Sanctuary Whites and Joseph Bates—Sabbath Needed unity, further light Studied together, sometimes all night EGW’s mind “locked” When they could go no further, vision Solution evident; they could unite
1840s: God’s First Priority– Doctrine How give messages to others? Sabbath and Sanctuary Confs, 1848-1850 Leaders went out: James and Ellen White, Joseph Bates, Hiram Edson, others Met with little groups: 20, 30, 50 Presented truths, dealt with questions Studied and prayed By 1850, unity on clear set of doctrines
1840s: God’s First Priority—Doctrine How spread message further? 1848 vision: start paper 1849, JW started Present Truth Reached new people, strengthened believers
1850s: God’s Second Priority—Organization Dec. 13, 1850, EGW: “We know that we have the truth” Eleven days later, Dec. 24, first vision on “gospel order”—organization
1850s: God’s Second Priority—Organization Why need organization? Own property Define doctrine officially Have criteria for membership, apply them Discipline church members when needed Provide financial support for workers Establish institutions Enter new fields
1850s: God’s Second Priority—Organization Believers resisted organization: “Babylon” Visions urged “gospel order,” organizing 1850: Heaven is orderly 1851: Disfellowship unruly members 1854: Gospel order “feared, neglected” (Early Writings, pp. 97-107)
1850s: God’s Second Priority—Organization May 13, 1860, first steps in organization: first legal org. of a local church Oct. 1, 1860: adopted name SDA; also organized first legal body: SDA Pub. Assn. Oct. 5, 6, 1861: first conference: Michigan May 21, 1863: General Conf. organized
1860s: God’s Third Priority—Health June 6, 1863: First major vision on health Some earlier instruction: 1848: Tobacco, tea, coffee 1851: Tobacco again 1854: Cleanliness; eat simple food
1860s: God’s Third Priority—Health 1863 vision repeated earlier instruction, added more; health a religious duty (1 Cor. 6:20) Disease from violating laws of health Temperance: items to avoid Diet: no pig; vegetarianism; not overeat Cleanliness: body, clothing, living quarters Avoid dangerous drugs; use simple treatments
1860s: God’s Third Priority—Health Basis for reform: relationship to God Dec. 25, 1865: vision that we should have health-care institution of our own Nine months, built Western Health Reform Institute; became Battle Creek Sanitarium 1860s, EGW warned against alcohol Visions have blessed us
1870s and on: Education emphasis Many visions touching on education, not one comprehensive vision See 3T 131-160 (1872); 3T 468 (1875), FCE 310-327 (1894) Establish school to train workers Not impractical education, classics Center on Bible and train for practical living Whole man: head, hand, heart
1870s and on: Education emphasis In response, Battle Creek College, 1874 Bought 14 acres, not 40, and in town Sold 6 acres for houses! Taught classics; no required Bible classes EGW went to Australia, 1891 Called for large tract of land, away from city Had vision of land ill spoken of; saw furrow Found it, 1894: Avondale College today
1870s and on: Education emphasis Reform of Battle Creek College Too cramped; unsuitable program E. A. Sutherland, president, saw site in Berrien Springs, Mich., 1899 1901, college moved there Followed EGW’s plan: agriculture and other work, and Bible the center of the education
1870s and on: Education emphasis We had a few elementary schools and one small high school early In response to visions, Battle Creek College was established (1874), then other elementary and high schools Our young people belong in our schools
1870s and on: Mission Outreach “Go into all the world” Mark 16:15 Early believers thought fulfilled in America Also sent literature to far-away places Appeals started coming to GC for workers Europe first field we thought we could help Mrs. White encouraged it 1874, sent J. N. Andrews as first official missionary
1870s and on: Mission Outreach Other missionaries followed, with EGW’s encouragement and urging 1875, vision of work in many places Remembered that Australia was one of them Went to Europe herself, 1885-1887 Recognized places in Europe she had seen in the vision Missionaries went to Africa and other places EGW went as missionary to Australia
1880s, 1890s: Revival of Christ-centered Message Pioneers knew saved by faith, not works But “present truth” included law, Sabbath Gradually became focus of preaching Law not savior; Jesus is! We keep law because He has saved us; He enables us to keep it
1880s, 1890s: Revival of Christ-centered Message EGW urged reform: trust merits of Jesus Early 1880s, she emphasized Jesus as Savior and Redeemer E. J. Waggoner, A. T. Jones did, too Came to focus at 1888 General Conference EGW: “Matchless charms of Jesus” 1892, EGW released Steps to Christ
1890s, 1900s: Reorganization Early organization simple: churches, conferences, General Conference Work grew, structure didn’t Authority concentrated in BC, a few men “Kingly power” Needed better, coordinated structure
1890s, 1900s: Reorganization EGW called for reorganization, conversion Leaders set aside regular agenda; results: Established Union Conferences Organized departments Expanded GC Committee to 25 EGW thrilled with developments Later we established Divisions EGW pointed way; leaders developed plans
Other EGW Contributions Opened way for understanding of Trinity Saved church from pantheism, 1900s Major literary output, 1890s, 1900s PP, GW, SC, MB, DA, in 1890s COL, Ed, MH, AA, GC rev., GW rev., CT, PK in 1900s and 19-teens Testimonies for the Church, 1855-1909 “Nothing to fear for the future” LS 196
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Origin: Millerite Movement After 1844 disappointment, movment in ruins Ellen Harmon had given it up as error Dec. 1844, first vision: high path Millerite message was light for whole path Jesus is still leading; city is ahead Stay on path, don’t deny light behind Jesus will take you all the way to the city