Battle Cry Ministry, September, 2003. Tell it to the World.


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Presentation transcript:

Battle Cry Ministry, September, 2003

Tell it to the World

1844: When October 22, 1844 had passed and Jesus had not come, happiness turned to bitter disappointment for thousands of faithful Christians. Christ in the Sanctuary: Although the Bible clearly told that time would continue beyond 1844, they hadn’t understood. Disappointment however, drove them to study more.

Wheeler: It was Fredrick Wheeler, in Washington, New Hampshire who studied his Bible to find out whether Mrs. Oakes was right in keeping Saturday as Sabbath.

Bates: Joseph Bates studied his Bible to find out about the same Sabbath truth – and wrote about it so that hundreds of others would know it too.

Ellen Gould White

While still living at Topsham Ellen received another vision: “I saw an angel flying swiftly to me; he carried me into the temple in Heaven. I passed into the Most Holy Place and saw there the ark covered with gold. Inside were two tables of stone containing the ten commandments. The four on one side shone brighter than the other six, but the Sabbath commandment shone above them all”.

During 1848 a number of meetings took place, called Sabbath Conferences. Here they would take one subject at a time and then find out what the Bible taught.

Ellen White could not understand the truths being discussed, as if her mind was locked. When the doctrine had been established from the Bible, then she was shown it in vision and she was able to understand it.