Christmas around the world By Emma O’Reilly Seanagh Mullen And Ellen Richardson
Africa When Christmas day comes carol singers go to different houses and sing for charity. The most inportant part of carol singers is they’re showing love. The people go forward to lay their gifts upon baby Jesus’ bed. People in Africa have Christmas dinner after the service. All of them are at the table together. By Ellen Richardson….
Brazil Papai Noel or father Noel is the gift bringer in Brazil A huge Christmas dinner including turkey, ham, rice, and the wonderful vegtables salad fruit dishes are served In Brazil there is a crowd of dancers and singers The dance is called the three kings day By Emma O’Reilly
China Christmas in China, chrildren decorate their trees like we do in Ireland. The chinese christmas trees are called the trees of light. Santa Claus is called Dun Che Lao Ren it which means Christmas old man By Seanagh Mullen…
Spain by Ellen Richardson Around Spain it is a very festive time at Christmas. On Christmas Eve the Stars come out and light the tiny lights in their houses Most homes in Spain have a Manger December 28 is the Feast of the Holy Innocents By Ellen Richardson
America Santa Claus was born in us in In 1863 he was given the name Santa Claus and wore the red suit pipe. Now Christmas celebrations vary between religions of the united states. By Seanagh Mullen
Greece By Emma O’Reilly After 40 days of fasting they all look forward to christmas dinner. For christmas dinner they have turkey, vegtables and holy bread to celebrate the birth of god. The put crosses on the door to keep the devil a way. Santa is a patront saint of sailors. By Emma O’Reilly
Credits By Emma O’Reilly Ellen Richardson Seanagh Mullen Thank you for watching