The CALLA Handbook – Chapter 6 Assessing Student Progress in CALLA Dr. Ellen de Kanter University of St. Thomas Instructional Strategies for the Content Area in ESL BIED 5336
Alternative Assessment Purposes To place students into programs; monitor students’ progress;identify specific instructional needs; exit students from special language programs; conduct formative or summative program evaluation. Rationale Intrinsically interesting to students because it is authentic and varied. Design Focuses on four basic procedures: Construction Administrative Requirements Scoring Interpretation
Examples of Alternative Assessment Performance Measures Text Retelling Cloze Testing Holistic and Analytical Scoring of Writing Samples Teacher Rating Scales Student Self-Rating Scales Assessment of Higher-Order Thinking Skills
Portfolio Assessment Reasons for Using Portfolios: Rationale Systematic Accessible Focused Efficient method of providing visible evidence of student progress Useful for making instructional decisions
Portfolio Assessment Guidelines for Portfolio Assessment Determine the purpose Select information for the portfolio Decide haw to organize it Establish a data collection plan Review the Students progress Decide on portfolio use
The CALLA Handbook – Chapter 6 Assessing Student Progress in CALLA Dr. Ellen de Kanter University of St. Thomas Instructional Strategies for the Content Area in ESL BIED 5336