By: Ellen de Crom Computers 8 Block B
Carbohydrates Serves as major energy source 2 types: –Complex (starches) Sources: Pasta, cereal, grains, ect. –Simple (Sugars) Sources: fruit, veggies, candy, ect. Ideally 40% of diet
Fats Fuel body & absorbs vitamins Builds hormones & insulates nervous system 3 types: –Saturated Fat Sources: Meat, butter, cheese, milk, ect. –Unsaturated Fat Sources: Plant foods, fish, ect. –Trans fat Sources: Margarine, snack foods, baked goods, fried food, ect. Ideally 30% of diet
Protein Builds up, maintains, & replaces body tissue Provides energy Types: –Complete Sources: meat, milk, other dairy, ect. –Incomplete Sources: Vegetables (lacks essential amino acids) Ideally 60 grams a day
Fibre Indigestible- goes right through body Keeps digestive system healthy Types: –Soluble Fibre Sources: Fruits, vegetables, oat bran, barley, flaxseed, dried beans, whole grain foods, ect. –Insoluble Fibre Sources: wheat bran, corn bran, rice bran, the skins of fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, dried beans, wholegrain foods, ect. Ideal daily intake: grams
Vitamins Benefits: –Helps bones (Vitamin D) – helps you see at night (Vitamin A) – Helps body heal (Vitamin C) – helps make protein and energy (Vitamin B) Types: –Fat Soluble Sources: Vitamins A, D, E, K, ect. (Carots, Milk, ect.) –Water Soluble Sources: Vitamins B, C, ect. (Milk, and milk products, broccoli, asparagus, grains, ect.) 13 vitamins body needs
Minerals Body uses to perform these functions: –Building bones –Transmitting nerve impulses –Makes hormones –Helps maintain healthy heartbeat Types: –Macrominerals (body needs lots) Sources: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfur, ect. –Trace Minerals (Body need small amounts) Sources: Iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, ect. Not enough can lead to health problems
Water Benefits & Importance: –Regulates body temperature –Helps nutrients travel to organs. –transports oxygen to cells –protects joints & organs. Sources: –Any liquids or foods with moisture Recommended 8 cups a day Body made up about 60-70% water Blood mostly water & muscles, lungs, brain, ect.. Contain water
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