Objective The aim is to create a dynamic research, development and resource centre that gathers and contributes to development of the most recent knowledge within its research domains through participating in regional, national, and international collaborations. Methodologies Design-based research / developmental research Dialogue design Action research Ethnographic inspired enquiry User Driven Innovation Domains Education Health Care Digital Governance However, the research is not limited to these domains. Research focus ICT, Learning and collaboration User Centered Design User Driven Innovation Interaction Design Human Computer Interaction Tools exploration and experiments Theoretical issues Technology, ecology, enactment and remediation Learning, experiences, social construction and identity Project based Learning, Networks, Communities of Practice Mixed mode collaboration and communication spaces Indirect design, user driven design, local design, learning design, pedagogical design Research Programme Tools and Techniques Pictures and videos to support storytelling Models and diagrams to convey underlying categories and order Miscellaneous materials for building prototypes and performances Center for User Driven Innovation, Learning and Design HCI CSCL CSCW Networked Learning Participatory Design TEL
The Diversity - Current and future PhD Projects Development of PBL at Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica) through building Communities of Practice Surveillance and Ethics in a web 2.0 context – surveillance as play and peer monitoring Potentials for learning in 3D worlds and the role of avatar- mediation in CSdCL IT-support for people with disabilities. Making a Computer Science School (Costa Rica) Accessible for Blind Students Multiplayer online gaming from a learning and identity perspective Development of Communities of Practice and networks between SME’s Youth and the development of identity through their use of Social Networking Sites Supporting the mobility of diabetes patients with technology Design Learning Identity Technology HCI Education PBL Communities of Practice User Driven Innovatio n Health
ICT for Development SUDESCA VISCA VOANET ELAC Asian University for Women Developing and building local capacity within the area of technology enhanced learning through joint course development (engineering and environment) –Developing technological infrastructure (open source) and capacity –Developing pedagogical practice e.g. more student centered learning, PBL Design Learning Identity Open Source Technologies Culture Education PBL Communities of Practice Socio-cultural learning theory Negotiation CSCL
FEEDBACK: feedback-motivated electricity consumption based on user-driven innovation with 8 families Ellen Christiansen: Anne Marie Kanstrup: Installed and under test in 120 households
MINI: Mobile support for junior registrars in clinical training based on user-driven innovation with 20 physicians 2,6 kg. Anne Marie Kanstrup: Ellen Christiansen:
MAXI: IT-support for mastering diabetes in everyday life based on user-driven innovation with 16 families Anne Marie Kanstrup:
Mobile Design Lab: LUI: Laboratory for user-driven innovation Games Video + Photos Prototypes Ellen Christiansen: Anne Marie Kanstrup:
Growing interest in learning through and at the work place Learner support via traditional/online means to encourage reflective practice Engagement, motivate and promote reflective and independent learning The project will, through the research and development of good practice, deliver a design system for online and distance support. The outcomes will be guides, case studies and toolkit to enable educators to effectively prepare adult learners for work based and work placed learning. The CoED Design Card Generator Tools Technology Co-development Education Design Methods Workplace learning
But many other projects Or visit: The Senior researchers For more information contact Professor and Director of eLL: Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld PhD, Associate Professor: Ann Bygholm PhD, Associate Professor: Ellen Christiansen