New promotion and tenure guidelines New peer review processes &
The Impact of Digital scholarship on peer review An opportunity to fix some of the shortcomings of traditional peer review? Experimentation with using digital media to enhance or improve peer review
Examp les of New peer review processes
Online manuscript submission & peer review
Open peer review Alternative to traditional peer review “Everything happens in the open” Reviews are signed and published, together with author responses, as permanent and citable part of article
Pre-print review Web 2.0 tools (commenting, voting) Anyone may register Raises question of who is a ‘peer’
Web 2.0 Features
Post-publication review Peer reviewed prior to publication Post-publication reviewed through public forum
Joy V. Fuqua, Queens College, City University of New York, Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, Cardiff University, Richard L. Edwards, Indiana University's School of Informatics, jameshopes jameshopes jameshopes, uk, Beth Coleman, MIT, Christian Sandvig, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Jon Awbrey, Rochester Hills, Michigan,
Focused Online Discussions
First, An anecdote... New Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure
sample guidelines Other examples: University of Virginia, (Arts & Sciences) University of Maine (New Media Department) Mount Holyoke College
be clear at the point of hire (the hiring institution and the candidate both have responsibilities)
Read and evaluate scholarship in the format in which it was produced (if necessary, ask the candidate to demonstrate and explain the work)
Seek outside opinions if necessary (find knowledgeable people who can give an informed evaluation of a project)
Take time to understand the peer review process (while many works still undergo traditional peer review, new models are appearing)
Know that digital technologies are blurring boundaries between teaching, scholarship, and service (consider how works might contribute to more than one area)
Recognize the value of collaboration (For collaborative projects, candidate should document the roles of individuals involved)
don’t focus solely on format (look for originality, creativity, quality, and contribution to the discipline)
Stay informed about scholarly communication issues in your field (today, there are fewer institutional mechanisms to guide us)
Some possible institutional responses Talk to colleagues and re-examine criteria for promotion and tenure Develop institutional policies and infrastructure to support open access to our faculty’s scholarship Encourage faculty to negotiate publishing agreements that favor open access Provide opportunities to learn about changes in scholarly communication