This week we will read a tall tale called Thunder Rose by Jerdine Nolen. As we read, we will identify characteristics of a tall tale. Good readers will better understand this type of story if they can identify these characteristics.
Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same, meaning as another word Read the sentence and pick the correct synonym for the underlined word. 1.My muscles were tender after I lifted the weights at the gym. I felt sore all over. toughsensitivesoftused 2.My sister dispersed doves into the air at her wedding and they flew away. releasedquestionedopenedactivated
What are the three purposes for reading Fill in team score sheets and begin new team score sheet 1.To be informed 2.To follow directions 3.To be entertained
We can help and encourage others by : 1. Listening carefully to what they say 2. Keep telling them they can do it! 3. Help them when they are stuck on something.
vividlyclearly I vividly remember the sunset in the country because it was red, pink and purple.
remarkedsaid “The mummy exhibit is a bit scary,” remarked John.
Garfield was so tired after eating everything in the cupboard he laid down to slumber. slumbersleep
vaultedjumped The track star vaulted over the bar during the pole vault.
sectionpart I always eat the section of my birthday cake that has the most frosting.
meddlesomenosy My neighbors are meddlesome when they look through my fence to see what is going on in my yard.
A larger-than-life main character A problem that is solved in a funny or unusual way Exaggerated details
Sue Ellen Succotash Sue Ellen Succotash was the fastest woman in the state of Virginia. Everyone for miles around knew sue Ellen and loved to talk about her amazing races. Now one day sue Ellen ran from Virginia all the way to Texas to visit her great friend Sam Shard. Sam was a farmer. When Sue Ellen got to Sam’s farm, she noticed that crops were dying and the animals looked sick. “Sammy boy. What’s going on?” Sue Ellen asked. “Well,” Sam answered. “ I can’t get any water to my crops, so they aren’t doing well. And I can’t feed the animals because I have no crops.” “That sounds like a doozy, my friend.” Sue Ellen said. “Let’s see what we can do about this.” Sam and Sue Ellen walked around Sam’s farm, inspecting the land and talking about what they could do. That’s when Sue Ellen came up with an idea. She told Sam to stand by the water spigot. She handed him some buckets and told him to keep filling them with water until she told him to stop. Sam did as sue Ellen asked. Sue Ellen took off running from one end of the farm to the other and back again. In five minutes she had watered the entire field with hundreds of buckets of water to make the crops grow and told Sam to stop. “Gee, Sue Ellen. I don’t know what to say. Thanks for your help. I can see my crops growing already?” “Any time. That’s what friends are for,” Sue Ellen said. “Well, I should be off.” And with that, Sue Ellen ran back to virginia.
“Sal Fink” Page Larger-than-life character Problem that is solved in a funny way Exaggerated details
Preview Team Talk questions. Question #1 ask to compare and contrast information.
Read 48 with partners – Clarify unknown words using sticky notes Restate as you read Read page 49 silently
Discuss and answer all Team Talk Questions – do not write any answer until all the questions have been discussed Use the job cards. Pass them around the table every time you begin to answer a new question Write the answers to 1 and 2 in your journals
Let’s celebrate our answers!
Do you have a nickname? Explain how you got this nickname. If you do not have a nickname, create one for yourself and explain why it is a good name for you. -You answer the question.25 pts -Your answer explains or describes with at least two details25 pts -Your answer makes sense and has part of the questions in it.20 pts -Your answer is written in complete, correct answers20 pts -Your writing has correct capitalization and punctuation.10 pts TOTAL100 PTS
Cloze Practice- Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word
Practice reading page 48 Using the fluency rubric, practice fluency with your partner