Recommendations on Designing a Valuable and Relevant Course on Cybersecurity Tuesday, June 3, th Emergency Management Higher Education Program Symposium Emmitsburg, Maryland
CHHS Background The University of Maryland Center for Health and Homeland Security (CHHS) works with the nation’s top emergency responders to develop plans, policies, and strategies for government, corporate, and institutional clients that ensure the safety of citizens in the event of natural or man-made catastrophes. CHHS has 57 employees representing the inter-disciplinary nature of the field in which we work. Our professionals include individuals holding J.D., MPA, MBA, MPH, Masters in Homeland Security, and PhD degrees. 2
CHHS Key Areas of Expertise Continuity of Operations (COOP) Planning Training and Exercises Cybersecurity International Crisis Management Training Energy Assurance Critical Infrastructure Protection Interoperability Campus/School Security Hospital Preparedness and Medical Surge Planning Transportation and Maritime Security Planning Special Events Planning Strategic Planning Public-Private Partnerships 3
Homeland Security and Emergency Management Courses developed and taught by CHHS Law and Policy of Emergency Management Law and Policy of Emergency Public Health Response NSA Foreign Intelligence Surveillance and the Fourth Amendment Law and Policy of Cybersecurity 4
Cybersecurity – Basic Considerations Cybersecurity is one of the most critical priorities in homeland security Government and private companies are looking for cybersecurity professionals Institutes of higher education are preparing future cybersecurity professionals 5
Teaching Cybersecurity - Challenges It is a very dynamic field Providing students with a core base of knowledge, while also covering the latest developments Technological advances continue to outpace existing law and policy Law and policy vs. technical instruction 6
Designing the Course – First Steps Research what other schools are teaching related to cybersecurity – Harvard Law School: Cyberlaw class and Cybercrime class – Seton Hall Law School: Cybersecurity Law & Policy Evaluate conferences, symposiums, and initiatives on cybersecurity – CyberMaryland – International Engagement on Cyber – Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) Develop themes for the course – Cyberwarfare – Cybercrime – Internet Governance – Privacy and Civil Liberties 7
Designing the Course – Filling out the Syllabus Case law Current and proposed legislation Review Government statements and Executive Orders Treatises and Agreements Academic Works 8
Making the Course Relevant Be flexible – Major developments may necessitate rapid reorganization of the syllabus or class discussion Include current affairs – Track the latest news to supplement the syllabus Invite industry speakers – Speakers give a real-world voice to class materials 9
Making the Course Relevant (cont.) Add local issues – Maryland and the 4th Circuit case law – Maryland cybersecurity related statutes – Maryland as the epicenter for cybersecurity Include real-world experiences Formally update syllabus every semester 10
QUESTIONS? 11 Ellen C. Cornelius, J.D. Senior Law & Policy Analyst, University of Maryland Center for Health and Homeland Security Markus Rauschecker. J.D. Senior Law & Policy Analyst University of Maryland Center for Health and Homeland Security