Level: Spanish II Honors Unit: Jugar es un derecho para los niños Date: Day 10 – 50 mins Señora Carl -Laptop Cart -30 copies of Book Project Rubric Think-Pair-Share: How is playing game and with toys important in the life of a child? (10 minutes) Describe people, places, and situations in the past using the imperfect tense Childhood/ Toys vocabulary -Talk about personal preferences, emotions and opinions with some explanation. -Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations. -Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well- structured event sequences.
Level: Spanish II Honors Unit: Jugar es un derecho para los niños Date: Day 10 Señora Carl UDL Strategies Multiple Means of Representation _X__ Visuals, diagrams, & charts ____ Color-coding ____ Formatting variations ____ Highlighting ____ Concept Attainment ____ Metaphors ____ Checklists ____ Video/Audio Clips Multiple Means of Expressions ____ Manipulatives _X__ Technology ____ Sentence starters & cloze paragraphs _X__ Organizers ____ Illustrations ____ Role-play ____ Think alouds Multiple Means of Engagement ____ Music & movement ____ Games & puzzles ____ Student choice ____ Personalized questions ____ Cooperative learning groups _X__ Rubrics ____ Prompts, reminders, & guides 1.After discussing the role of play in the life of a child, students will take out their graphic organizers that they filled in for homework. These webs are the pre-writing step for students creating their own short stories about their own childhoods. “La Historia de _________.” I will show students my example that I made in BookBuilder. (10 minutes)my example BookBuilder 2.We will then go over the project Rubric so students know what the requirements of the project are. (5 minutes)Rubric 3.Students will have the rest of the period to get started on their final projects and ask questions. They will be given 2 more days in class to work on their books and on the third day they will present their book to the class. Closure/AssessmentHomework Students will get out the Unit Organizer Maps again and should now be able to complete all sections of the Expanded Unit Organizer.Expanded Unit Organizer Keep working on your project
Screenshot of my BookBuilder example