Assessment at Clarkdale Ellen Auchenpaugh, Academic Coach March 4, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Assessment at Clarkdale Ellen Auchenpaugh, Academic Coach March 4, 2014

CogAT: Cognitive Abilities Test Taken in the fall of 1 st, 3 rd, 7 th grades Norm-referenced – compared to similar age across the nation Test on ability – capability of figuring out, not necessarily “what’s learned in school” Verbal / Quantitative / Nonverbal / Composite SAS: Standard Age Score 100 = average ( overall average range)

ITBS: Iowa Tests of Basic Skills Taken in fall of 3 rd, 5 th, 7 th grades Norm-referenced achievement test Reading, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies GE = grade equivalent (3.5 = 3 rd grade 5 th month) PR – percentile rank – (80%ile means score is = or > 80% of grade level peers nationwide) PGE = predicted grade equivalent (3 rd and 7 th )- based on CogAT score, what would you expect?

CRCT: Criterion-Referenced Competency Test Taken in grades 3-8 (April in Cobb) Related to instructional standards in GA Reading, Math, English/Language Arts, Science, Social Studies “Gateway” Test in grade 3 (reading), grades 5 and 8 (reading/math) Scores: “does not meet” standards “meets” standards “exceeds” standards

CRCT Risk of not meeting standards in 3 rd and 5th: “Maymester” Retest: Reading May 16 Math May 19 Notified: Retention Meeting

Reading Assessments DRA: Diagnostic Reading Assessment: Running Records SRI: Scholastic Reading Inventory Kit: teacher Fluency / Comprehension Passages: teacher Fluency / Comprehension Computerized Silent Reading Comprehension K-5 2 nd -5 th DRA Reading LevelsFountas/Pinnell Reading Levels Lexile Level K A st 4 – 16 2 nd 18 – 28 3 rd 30 – 38 4 th 40 5 th 50 K A - B 1 st C – I 2 nd J – M 3 rd N – P 4 th P – S 5 th S - V 2 nd 420 – rd 620 – th 740 – th

What about AR level? These are GE: grade equivalent Example: nd grade / 3 rd month th month of school (K) Range – 3.4

ACCESS: Accessing Comprehension and Communication in English from State to State Administered January - March to Active English Language Learners Listening /Speaking / Reading / Writing Social and Academic English Scores: 1 – 6 range 1 Entering 4 Expanding 2 Emerging 5 Bridging 3 Developing 6 Reaching Questions? Mrs. Dickerson or Mrs. Rosa

For Any Assessment…..or Any Day! Emphasize importance of doing your best Adequate sleep Healthy breakfast Present and on time Follow test-taking strategies taught by teacher and counselors Positive attitude

Questions? Ellen Auchenpaugh, Academic Coach ext. 046 OR Contact your child’s teacher…..