Repasar el verbo Gustar y Ser
Abeja Using the verb Gustar write down 3 sentences stating what you like to do. If you don’t know the Spanish word, write the English in “quotations” Me Gusta ___________ Me gusta cocinar Me gusta “skydiving”.
Unit Objectives Throughout this unit students will revisit: –Greetings & Salutations –the verb Ser in the present tense –Subject pronouns (yo, tú, él, ella, etc) Students will be able to: Understand gender as it applies to Spanish nouns & adjectives Practice using definite & indefinite articles Describe their personality & physical attributes as well as those of their friends Express likes and dislikes using the verb Gustar
Lesson Goals Complete a reading activity about teens in Spain I can Statements I can read a news article about teens in Spain. I can understand cognates & translate this article to English
Gustar Review w/ Daddy Yankee Gustar & Daddy Yankee quick video lesson –Tune in & follow along Daddy Yankee’s Gasolina video
Mi biografía Proj 10 minutes to complete the written portion of the project. 10 minutes for the speaking portion of the project
Magazine Collage 15 pt project grade 5 Spanish adjectives to describe yourself 5 images that show what you like Use Spanish vocabulary as MUCH as possible
Mi Niña Bonita Brain Break!
Jeopardy Game Playing in table groups Keep your voices down to not give away answers. We’re playing for dulces! gustar-review gustar-review
La vida adolescente en España pain/society/customs/teenage-life- in-spain_es.asphttp:// pain/society/customs/teenage-life- in-spain_es.asp Spanish reading project using cognate strategy y vocabulario nuevo
¿Quien soy? Project Sra. Waters
Required Elements – 10 points Adjective/Noun Agreement – 10 points Spelling/Capitalization/Punctuation – 5 points Neatness – 5 points –Total Points = 30 –1 quiz grade ¿ Quien soy yo? Project
In complete sentences, describe yourself. You must include the following: 3 physical characteristics –size/stature Yo soy baja. Yo soy delgada. –eyes Yo soy de ojos azules. –hair Yo soy morena. 3 personality traits –character Yo soy simpática. Yo soy paciente. Required Elements – 10 points 3 things or activities that are pleasing to you - activity Me gusta jugar soccer. - thing Me gustan los zapatos.
¿Quien soy yo? Project Rubric Required Elements 3 physical descriptions 3 character traits 3 statements expressing likes/ dislikes One point is deducted for each missing element. Noun- Adjective Agreement Agreement in gender Agreement in number One point is deducted for each error in noun- adjective agreement. Spelling/ Capitalization/ Punctuation One point is deducted for every spelling, capitalization, or punctuation error. Neatness Is the final product free of wrinkles & smudges on the paper? Is the handwriting neat?
Do NOT use translation websites for this writing project! Use the Spanish vocab words, adjectivos, and verbs you have learned thus far. You’re writing simple sentences & that’s OK. WARNING!!!
Yo soy de ojos café y pelo moreno. Yo soy alta y delgada. Yo soy inteligente y paciente. También yo soy trabajadora. Me gustan los zapatos. Me gusta el “hot cocoa” (chocolate caliente). Me gustan los “freebies”. Me gustan los jeans con una camisa blanca. No me gusta correr. No me gustan “mean people”. No me gusta “rock climbing”. ¿Quién soy? ¿Quién soy yo? Señora Waters
Escribir con Ser y Gustar With your compañero from your table group work on decoding ser y gustar sentences & finding spelling mistakes.