Made possible through a Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Coastal Zone Management Grant with local support from our project partners. for Lake Superior and the St. Mary’s River Kick-Off Meeting December 3, 2014
Presentation Overview Welcome & Introductions Who we are Water Trails Definition and Review Community Benefits Project Overview Project Scope Project Schedule Project Partners Roles and Responsibilities Project Outcomes Video Clip
Welcome & Introductions Ellen Benoit, Assistant Director EUP Regional Planning & Development Commission Wendy Hoffman, Transportation Planner Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians Ruth O’Gawa, President Lake Superior Watershed Conservancy
About the EUP Regional Planning & Development Commission Created by legislation in 1968 (Public Act 281 of 1945) One of 14 State designated Planning & Development Regions in Michigan Governed by a 19 member board Planning expertise located in one place and applied to the needs of large and small scale units of government Serves village, city, township and county governments as they plan for the future Implement state and federal initiatives Federally designated Economic Development District (EDD) State recognized Rural Transportation Planning Organization Located in Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Region is primarily grant/contract funded, through State, Federal and Local programs and projects. Economic Development Planning Community and Recreation Planning Transportation Planning GIS/Mapping – Data Collection/Analysis, trails, transportation networks, map creation, GIS/GPS technical assistance and more! Solid Waste & Recycling Planning Grant Writing State Data Center MI Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs Mini-Grant Program Administration Recreation plans (required by DNR to obtain Trust Fund grants) Programs and Services
Anishinaabeg (Original People) Sault Tribe’s ancestors were Anishinaabeg fishing tribes whose settlements dotted the upper Great Lakes around Lake Superior, Lake Michigan and Lake Huron, throughout the St. Marys River system and the Straits of Mackinac. Anishinaabeg gathered for the summers in places like Bahweting (Sault Ste. Marie) and broke up into family units for the winter. About the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians
Blueways and water trails are growing in popularity and becoming valued for their recreational, educational and economic potential. What Are Water Trails? Water trail/Blueways are marked routes along rivers, lakes, and coastlines for boating including: signs and route markers; maps and promotion of water routes; facilities for parking, boat ramps or docks, and places to camp and picnic. Water trails are primarily designed for small watercraft such as canoes, sea and whitewater kayaks, rafts and drift boats. Heritage water trails are routes on navigable waterways designed and implemented to foster an interactive historical education experience.
Benefits Economic Benefits - non-motorized boating has grown in popularity in recent years in the state of Michigan. This increase in participation translates into financial benefits for communities that provide access to water trails. Water trails as a recreation destination provide rural communities with income to local boat liveries and outfitters, motels and bed and breakfasts, restaurants, grocery stores, gas stations and shops. Recreational Value and Health Benefits -The recreational value of water trails are often their foremost attraction. In addition to the entertainment values of recreation, there is a significant health and fitness benefit as paddling involves exercise. This health benefit accrues to the individual, and, in the form of reduced health-care costs, to society as well. Conservation/Stewardship Benefits - Water trail activities can support the conservation of the aquatic and shore land ecosystems. Trail builders and activists are a respected constituency who advocate for resource protection, and participate in resource restoration. By promoting minimum-impact practices, water trails embrace the "Leave No Trace" code of outdoor ethics that promote the responsible use and enjoyment of the outdoors. Educational Benefits - Water trail organizations use comprehensive trail guides, signage, public outreach, and informative classes to encourage awareness of the natural, cultural, and historical attributes of the trail.
With this Water Trails Project we have the opportunity to… Share our knowledge of our natural resources, history and what’s unique to our area. Create a sense of place to draw tourism, boost economic growth and creating a safe way to locate and travel our waterways.
History of Water Trails in Michigan State initiative to develop a state wide system of trails including water trails EUPRP&DC Regional Trails Initiatives 2011 Lake Huron Public Access Inventory – 2012 Lake Michigan Public Access Inventory –
Goals & Objectives We propose a series of interrelated tasks toward the completion of a contiguous Water Trail and geographic database for the Lake Superior shoreline from Grand Marais to Sault Ste. Marie and the St. Mary’s River shoreline from Sault Ste. Marie to DeTour Village.
Phase I Initiate partnerships to gather local information Inventory ingress/egress sites to incorporate into GIS Phase II Assess and evaluate sites Develop universal language to incorporate into local recreation plans Develop “best practices” standards Phase III Develop and maintain website Phase IV Sustainability, conservation and implementation
Project Scope Lake Superior Shoreline – Grand Marais to Sault Ste. Marie
St. Mary’s River – from Sault Ste. Marie to DeTour Village
Tasks and Timeline TASK Oct. - Dec, 2014Jan.-Mar, 2015Apr.-June, 2015July-Sept., 2015Oct.-Dec, Reach out to partners/stakeholders 2. Quarter 1 Kickoff Meetings: DeTour, Bruce Twp., Sault Ste. Marie, Paradise, Luce Co. 3. Gather and develop list of sites to inventory/information to gather/potential water trails 4. Identify Best Practices Available Locally (National Water Trail Designation Criteria). 5 Develop Standardized Language for the Water Trails as well as Specific Recommendations for County and/or Jurisdictional Recreation Plans 6. Start collecting historical/cultural stories/inventory/ Local meetings 7. GIS Maps/Product development/Website development 8. Data verification/revisions 9. Promotion/Products produced/distributed/Final Meeting
Project Partners Roles & Responsibilities Identify/Verify/Assessment local access points Historical/Cultural Information and Stories Safety/Environmental/Sensitive Areas Concerns Local planning committees set up to advise on website information and sustainability, promotional brochure, branding Identification of local nearby attractions to include – hiking trails, museums, shopping, lodging, eating, etc.
Project Outcomes GIS Database on water access sites Interactive Web-site Sample language to use in local recreation plans Development of “Best Practice” Standards A basis for future planning and recreation development
Conclusion Sign In Sheet/Contact Information EUPRP&DC Website address: Contact information Ellen Benoit – (906) Wendy Hoffman – (906)
Thank you.