anuncios Please take your calaca down. Next class period be sure to bring colored pencils, markers or crayons. Also bring your dry erase marker Bring your bienvenida flash cards. We will have a new seating chart today.
Please make sure you turn in the following today. Rough draft Your final draft Your grading rubric for your project The presentation grading sheets
Bienvenida Hoy es martes el 29 de noviembre. Vocabulario para ¿Cómo se dice…?
highlight Bienvenida – Vocabulario – – Zoológico – Obra de teatro Sentimiento - loco
ALC 32 Write the name of the country you did your presentation on and three reasons you would like to go there.
objective For my assessment, I can present my travel brochure in Spanish to the rest of the class.
Presentation expectations. Be ready to go within 1 minute of the previous pair or individual. Use the micro phone. Speak clearly in Spanish. Do not talk when others are presenting. Grade the presentations.