Predict & Prevent Detect & Respond KNOw New Pathogens Predict & Prevent Detect & Respond to new plant pathogen introductions
Invasive Terrestrial Animals and Pathogens (ITAP) Plant Pathogens subcommittee (ITAP-PP) Dr. Kerry Britton National Program Leader For Forest Pathology Research USDA Forest Service
Who is ITAP-PP? Amy Rossman, chair Kerry Britton, exec sec Doug Luster -ARS Mary Palm -APHIS Matt Royer -APHIS Joe Bischoff -APHIS Marty Draper -NIFA Kent Smith -ARS Gail C. Wisler -ARS David Chitwood -ARS Carissa Marasas -ARS Mary Ellen Dix -FS Peyton Ferrier -ERS John Bowers -ARS Russ Bulluck -APHIS
“31 new plant pests detected in 2009” APHIS PPQ Roadmap to 2015 “31 new plant pests detected in 2009” So we know our current system isn’t working too well.
TNC- NCEAS work group: predicts invasive FOREST pests will cost US @ 2 billion/yr over next 10 yrs most costs are borne by state & local governments, and homeowners ¾ of infested plant shipments pass undetected through plan inspection stations
Propose improvements: Diagnostic infrastructure Research infrastructure Information sharing Outreach, extension, education Training the next generation
THORNY Issues: Plants for planting Data sharing Collaboration across agencies 38,220 infested shipments slipped through between FY06-10
BREAKOUT SESSION: Are there other issues that need to be addressed? Are there other or better solutions? How can we best solicit further input & ACTION?
Please come: APS Workshop Saturday, August 6 8 am to noon Beautiful downtown Honolulu
Your assistance would be GREATLY APRRECIATED!