FY 2016
Community Development Housing Homelessness Cross-cutting
CDBG Funding – FY 2016 Withdraw CDBG entitlement criteria changes Provide state administrative fee flexibility
Change Davis Bacon Thresholds and Provide Flexibility
Funding Request – FY 2016 : $3.3 billion FY 2015: $3.0 billion FY 2014: $3.03 billion
Establish a minimum grant threshold : $348,875 Eliminate grandfathering Affect over 300 entitlement communities
Amount not subject to match: $500,000, up from $100,000 State administrative fee cap: 3% to 5% of allocation COSCDA to ask HUD to pursue with Congress
$2,000 ⇒ $100,000 Exempt: ◦ Disaster Recovery ◦ USDA
HOME Program Funding – FY 2016 Strengthen the HOME Program with Revisions to the Rule Protect Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
Provide Flexibility to States in HOME Commitment Deadline
Funding Request – FY 2016 : $1.3 billion FY 2015: $900 million FY 2014: $1 billion FY 2013 : $950 million No setasides
CHDOs Inspections Repayment of Down Payment Assistance
As the new Congress considers revision to tax code, it should recognize and continue to support the Low-Income Tax Credit Program.
Cumulative method (Current HUD compliance determination) vs. Grant –specific method (IG/GAO required compliance determination)
McKinney Vento Funding – FY 2016 : $2.4 billion Maintain Funding Level for Emergency Solutions Grants Grandfather Transitional Housing Remove the Disincentive to Convert Continuum of Care Projects to Permanent Housing
Provide for Separate Funding for Planning Grants and HMIS in the CoC Competition Provide Support for Homelessness Technical Assistance and Training Re-open the Public Comment Period for ESG and CoC Interim Rules Delay Implementation of the Rural Homelessness Component of HEARTH
Allow Public Housing Authorities to be Subrecipients of Emergency Solutions Grants Support Vouchers for Homeless Assistance
Clarify States' Role in Affirmatively Further Fair Housing Implement Flexible Section 3 Requirements
Continue to Include States in the Development of the HUD Environmental Review Online System
Linda Thompson