Tom Corbett, Governor Beverly Mackereth, Secretary Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary OMHSAS Executive Budget O FFICE OF M ENTAL H EALTH AND S UBSTANCE A BUSE S ERVICES
Executive Budget Tom Corbett, Governor Beverly Mackereth, Secretary Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary OMHSAS Priorities Stakeholder Engagement Planning Council Focus Groups Community Support Planning Regional Meetings Mission/Vision/Guiding Principles Next Steps-Planning Council System Innovation Model DPW/Department of Health Healthy PA
Executive Budget Tom Corbett, Governor Beverly Mackereth, Secretary Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary OMHSAS Co-occurring Cross System collaboration/planning with Dept. of Drug & Alcohol Programs Forensics Cross System (Department of Corrections, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency, Law Enforcement) Dual Diagnosis Office of Developmental Programs/ OMHSAS, Providers, Individuals, Family Members Veterans Department of Military & Veteran Affairs, Governor’s Advisory Council on Veteran’s Services
Tom Corbett, Governor Beverly Mackereth, Secretary Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary OMHSAS Executive Budget FY Requested OMHSAS Funding Total Funding = $4.143 billion
Tom Corbett, Governor Beverly Mackereth, Secretary Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary OMHSAS Executive Budget Movement of Funding from State Administration to County Administration
Tom Corbett, Governor Beverly Mackereth, Secretary Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary OMHSAS Executive Budget OMHSAS FY Budget Summary
Tom Corbett, Governor Beverly Mackereth, Secretary Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary OMHSAS Executive Budget OMHSAS FY Budget Summary
C OMMUNITY M ENTAL H EALTH S ERVICES Executive Budget Tom Corbett, Governor Beverly Mackereth, Secretary Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary OMHSAS
Executive Budget Tom Corbett, Governor Beverly Mackereth, Secretary Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary OMHSAS H IGHLIGHTS H UMAN S ERVICES B LOCK G RANT Established in 2012 by Act 80. A 20 county pilot program was implemented to local governments with increased flexibility to address local needs. An additional 10 counties were added in Fiscal Year bringing the total to 30 counties participating in the program.
Executive Budget Tom Corbett, Governor Beverly Mackereth, Secretary Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary OMHSAS DRUG AND ALCOHOL SERVICES
Executive Budget Tom Corbett, Governor Beverly Mackereth, Secretary Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary OMHSAS Drug and Alcohol –Maintains current level BHSI funding for MH and D&A of $43.1 million. This is comprised of $17.2 million for MH and $25.9 million for D&A. –Act 152 funding is maintained at $ million for FY
Executive Budget Tom Corbett, Governor Beverly Mackereth, Secretary Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary OMHSAS S TATE H OSPITALS
Executive Budget Tom Corbett, Governor Beverly Mackereth, Secretary Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary OMHSAS State Hospitals and CHIPPs / SIPPs In FY (inception): CHIPP Funding FY91-92 = $6.5 million Total Beds = 170 FY : –Total FY13/14 CHIPP Funding = $249.9 million –Total Cumulative CHIPPs = 3,224 –Includes 90 CHIPPs funded during FY FY : –New Funding proposed = $4.7 million –Planned CHIPP Placements = 90
Executive Budget Tom Corbett, Governor Beverly Mackereth, Secretary Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary OMHSAS B EHAVIORAL H EALTH H EALTH C HOICES
Executive Budget Tom Corbett, Governor Beverly Mackereth, Secretary Dennis Marion, Deputy Secretary OMHSAS HealthChoices Highlights As of January 1, 2014: 1.9 million people were enrolled in HC BH FY Funding is projected to be $3.0 billion.