CTAS-FY 2012 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation
“We are committed to helping strengthen and sustain safe and healthy American Indian and Alaska Native communities with a funding process that is responsive and coordinated. This effort to streamline the grant application process, with multiple purpose areas, offers tribes and tribal consortia an opportunity to develop a comprehensive and community-based approach to public safety and support for victims.” Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelli.
Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)
A comprehensive planning grant purpose area A customizable Excel™ Budget and Demographic worksheets in GMS A broader scope of the permitted legal authorizing documentation, but required at time of application Additional demographic data questions to improve the understanding of the uniqueness of each tribe A question-and-answer purpose area template to make the solicitation more user friendly
PA #1: Public Safety & Community Policing - Tribal Resources Grant Program (TRGP) … COPS Office A-Hiring B- Equipment/Training PA #2: Comprehensive Planning Demonstration Program….BJA/OJP
PA #3: Justice Systems, and Alcohol and Substance Abuse )….BJA/OJP A - Tribal Courts Assistance Program (TCAP) B - Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention Program (IASA)
PA #4: Corrections & Correctional Alternatives on Tribal Lands Program (CSCATL)….BJA/OJP PA # 5: Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program (TSASP)…. OVW
PA #6: Violence Against Women Tribal Governments Program….OVW PA #7: Children’s Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities….OVC/OJP PA #8: Comprehensive Tribal Victim Assistance Program….OVC/OJP
PA #9: Juvenile Justice Tribal Juvenile Accountability Grant Program (TJADG)….OJJDP/OJP PA #10: Tribal Youth Program (TYP)….OJJDP/OJP
Grants.Gov- COPS- OJP- OVW-
All Federally-recognized Tribes Alaska Native Villages and Corporations This includes Tribal Consortia consisting of two or more federally-recognized Tribes
Purpose Area 1 – Applicants must have an established law enforcement agency, an existing contract with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) for law enforcement services, or an existing contract with a state or local agency for law enforcement services. Purpose Area 6 - Tribal designees are eligible participants for certain activities.
Must be submitted by the deadline Must meet the eligibility criteria Must Include the following: Tribal Community & Justice Profile Executive Summary Tribal Narrative Profile
Purpose Area Narrative for each Purpose Area for which the applicant is applying Project/Program Timeline for each Purpose Area for which the applicant is applying or one combined timeline for all Purpose Areas for which the applicant is applying Documentation of Tribal Authority to Apply
Budget Detail Worksheet and Narrative including Demographic Form Tribal demographic data to better capture and describe the unique characteristics of each tribe
Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (if applicable) Other Attachments (as needed) Application will not be forwarded for further review without required information
Acquire a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number well in advance of applying, if you do not already have one Obtaining a DUNS number may take several weeks Acquire or renew registration with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database well in advance of applying
Note: Only one application per Tribe or Tribal consortium will be accepted An application can be revised in GMS up until the application deadline, April 18, 2012 (9PM EDT) If multiple applications are submitted, only the last one submitted will be considered Applicants who cannot submit an electronic application should call the Response Center to inquire about hardcopy submission
Solicitation: Opened January 18, 2012 Closes 9pm Eastern Daylight Time April 18, 2012 Hard copy applications must be postmarked by April 18, 2012 DOJ expects to award grants no later than September 30, 2012
Peer reviewers follow criteria as they review each section of an application Tribal Community & Justice Profile (40%) Purpose Area Narrative (40%) Budget Detail Worksheet & Narrative, and Demographic Form (15%) Project/Program Timeline (5%)
DOJ will identify a number of applications to be funded in a comprehensive manner across all of the purpose areas requested. An application is considered comprehensive if the Tribe or Tribal consortium is requesting funding in at least 5 purpose areas to address the overall and connected Tribal public safety, criminal, or juvenile justice or victimization issues. If the Tribe or Tribal consortium chooses this option, your application must explain how these multiple funding requests will work together to address tribal concerns.
Anne Beamon: (202) Priya Sarathy Jones: (202) James A. Smith: (202)
PA 2&3 - Trish Thackston : (202) PA 4- Julius Dupree: (202)
Melissa Schmisek: (202) Michelle Brickley: (202) Kevin Sweeney: (202)
Kimberly Woodard: (202) Beverly Fletcher: Lorraine Edmo:
Tanya Miller : (202) Chris Holloway: (202)
Kathleen Gless: (202) Chris Holloway: (202)
Patrick Dunckhorst: (202) Kara McDonagh: (202)
Questions on CTAS-FY 2012?