HOPWA Baltimore-Towson Eligible Metropolitan Area (EMA)
HOPWA Baltimore-Towson EMA HOPWA in the Baltimore-Towson EMA is funded under two categories Category 1: Formula - City of Baltimore is the Grantee - 6 Project Sponsors are contracted annually to provide services to PLWHAs residing in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, Howard and Queen Anne’s counties - Funding provides housing, support services and supports costs for permanent housing projects.
HOPWA services in the Baltimore- Towson EMA HOPWA funds 3 primary types of services in the EMA. Housing Assistance - Tenant-based rental assistance (TBRA) - Short –Term, Rent, Mortgage and Utilities (STRMU). Supportive Services - Case management - Housing placement services. Development for permanent housing
Category 1: Formula Primary use of funding supports tenant based rental assistance (TBRA) for PLWHAs and their families. During FY’11, 733 households were supported in the EMA with TBRA. Currently, Baltimore city provides TBRA to 469 households. For FY’13, 581 housing slots are planned to assist PLWHAs and their families.
Category 1: Formula Short-term rent, mortgage and utilities assistance is used in the EMA as a means of eviction prevention. Due to limited funding under this activity, Project Sponsors elect to use this resource as a one-time only assistance. During FY’11, 120 households were supported with eviction prevention type services. 271 households are planned for STRMU assistance in the EMA for FY’13.
Category 1: Formula Support services in the EMA address the core needs of PLWHAs and their families During FY’11, services were provided to 2,626 individuals and families. 1.5 million has been awarded to provide support services in Baltimore City for FY’13. Services include, but are not limited to case management, outreach, permanent housing placement, eviction prevention, transportation assistance and nutrition services.
Category 1: Formula An estimated $181,862 will support outreach and advocacy efforts for PLWHAs in Baltimore city during FY’13. During FY’13, an estimated $304,911 will support transportation services in Baltimore city. In addition to services, transportation funding will offer a trainee program to PLWHAs who are able to move back into the workforce.
Category 1: Formula In the last 5 years, partial funding has supported several development projects in Baltimore City. - Maryland Avenue Permanent Housing - Restoration Gardens Permanent Housing for youth - Healthcare for the Homeless’ Fallsway Facility 21active housing slots for PLWHAs are supported through (2) of these projects. 55 households are planned for housing facilities that are being developed, leased and/or operated for FY’13.
Allocations and Services Anne Arundel Co. $499,760.00TBRA/Support Baltimore City $6,836,018.00TBRA/Support Baltimore County $1,122,267.00TBRA/Support Carroll County $61, Support only Harford County $184,122.00TBRA Howard County $201,657.00TBRA Queen Anne Co. $23,412.00TBRA
HOPWA in the Counties The primary use of the county funding supports PLWHAs and their families with rental assistance including eviction prevention services. The plan for FY’13 is to support 170 households with housing assistance. An estimated $160,358 will support the households of PLWHAs with essential services. Support services funding will provide health education, utility and security deposit assistance and transportation services to 175 households.
HOPWA Waiting list In Baltimore City, there are 574 PLWHAs on the list awaiting housing. Our plan is to begin removing from the current list by late summer. The list is closed to new applicants; our goal is to open the list for applicants before the end of this calendar year. Housing slots are filled as they become available.
HOPWA Waiting List Anne Arundel County currently has 38 waiting for housing. Baltimore County has 100 waiting for housing. Harford County has exhausted the wait list for housing. Howard County has no wait list for housing. Queen Anne’s County currently has 19 waiting for housing.
Category 2: Competitive - Special Projects of National Significance - Grantee – City of Baltimore - At the Door targets ex-offenders - Housing Health targets those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness - Project CONNECT – Healthcare for the Homeless
Category 2: Competitive Baltimore EMA received a 3-yr $7.5 million award for competitive projects. Funds are used to provide various supportive services for PLWHAs and their families. Funding support housing assistance for PLWHAs and their families. During FY’12, housing and support services addressed the needs of 96 PLWHA’s and their families.
Category 2: Competitive Baltimore received a 5% increase to continue services offered through competitive projects providing services to PLWHAs. A 4.5 million dollar award will support short term and long term housing for ex-offenders. A 3.9 million dollar award will support long term housing for PLWHAs at risk of being homeless. The combined awards will provide the opportunity for 20 additional housing slots.
HOPWA Competitive During FY’13, through the use of competitive funds and leveraged resources: Long term and short-term housing for 106 households are planned. Support services will be provided for 165 persons. Support services include employment development, treatment services and case management.
Challenges Providers in our continuum reported the following challenges: Assisting families where the HOH is transgendered with securing adequate housing. Developing a best practice for those with multiple diagnosis to maintain their HIV medication regimen. Gaining adequate employment for those with criminal histories continues to be a barrier in moving toward self sufficiency.
Summary of the HOPWA Program Services funded under HOPWA Housing Assistance Supportive Services Short Term Rent Mortgage and Utilities The dollars allocated and number of HIV-infected clients served, per jurisdiction HOPWA Formula $9 million awarded to fund programs and services in Baltimore City and 6 counties during FY’13. HOPWA Competitive $7.5 million awarded to service 106 clients over a 3 year period. The average waiting period for enrollment 574 waiting to be housed. Currently, the list is closed. Goal for this calendar year is to open the list to new applicants. HOPWA Challenges Developing a best practice for those with multiple diagnosis to maintain their HIV medication regimen.
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Contact Information Contact Information D’Andra Pollard Program Administrator Mayor’s Office of Human Services Homeless Services Program 620 Fallsway, 1st Floor Baltimore MD