Baruch Tax Levy Budget FY 15
Tax-Levy Funding Streams Tuition and Fees: primary source of funds. – Tuition Rate Increases: FY 15 is fourth of 5 years of tuition revenue increases. – Graduate Excellence Fees: FY 15 total projected $4.0 million. All fees allocated to divisions that earn the fees. State Support: this year about 33% of total support. CUNY Investment Plan for Baruch: FY 11 CUNY committed to providing $7.8 million for hiring of faculty, faculty research support, and student services staff.
Tuition Revenue Target Minimum amount of Tuition & Fee Revenue College must earn within a fiscal year to support its Tax-Levy spending allocation. If College falls short of earning this amount: – Must cut current year spending by amount of shortfall, or – Cover the shortfall with funding in its City University Tuition Revenue Account (CUTRA). If shortfall expected to repeat the following year, CUNY likely to cut new year’s base Tax-Levy allocation by amount of shortfall.
Local vs. CUNY-Managed Most of the funds we get are managed locally. CUNY holds and manages funding for fringe benefit costs, some types of financial aid, and building rentals. In the past, CUNY managed energy funding, but now college manages $6.8 million set aside for energy. – Keep any savings. – Fund any overages.
CUNY Investment Program in Baruch – 29 new faculty and summer support for those new faculty. – 17 Student Services lines Enrollment Management ( 9) Student Affairs ( 3) Provost Office (4) includes Writing Center, SACC, Honors advisor ZSB (1) Academic advisor – OTPS/Temp Services Enrollment Management: $282,350 Student Affairs: $56,470 Provost: $112,940 ZSB: $28,235
FY 15 Allocations by Division (In Thousands)
FY14 Tax-Levy Expenditures (In Thousands)
Decline of Graduate Enrollments = Decline of Tuition Revenue needed to meet Tuition Revenue Target
Short-Term Strategy Modest Base Budget Reduction. No distribution of Full-Time Vacancy Savings. Increased Undergraduate Transfer Students in the Fall Used FY15 Compact Funds (New Revenue) strategically for some new needs identified by Strategic Plan and to mitigate additional Budget Reduction.
Long-Term Strategy Refresh graduate programs & grow enrollments. Monitor expenses & maintain current budget strategies. Explore alternative revenue sources. Leverage CUNYfirst data to improve planning/decision making. Maintain and expand energy savings efforts.
Other Challenges Next year is last year of the tuition increase. Funding new contract: what will NYS do? Funding mandatory needs: will have to fund internally. Aging infrastructure and deferred maintenance. Progress on our Strategic Plan. CUNYfirst: new modules coming/rolled-out modules need more work.