Data Services FY14-FY18 Budget
DS 5 year budget constraints FY13 budget $3.96 million from core $1.63 from USArray Total $5.59 million FY 14 budget base set to $ 5.2 million Reduction of 7.5%
Items Cut from FY14-18 Budget Reduction of 3 FTE at IRIS DMC 1 from Information Technology DHI, external applications, internal applications 1 from Quality Assurance Still at a level to insure high quality Leverage improvements in MUSTANG to improve efficiency 1 FTE Reduction in Product efforts but still at a strong level < 10% reduction at IDA DCC to $653K Elimination of ½ FTE in QA position KZNET reduced to BB elements only Reduction (but not elimination) in DS international programs
DS Budget by WBS Element
DS FY Budget Proposal
DS Innovation Projects FY 14FY 15FY 16FY 17FY 18 Research Ready Data & Quality Assessment 80,688186, ,932217,230222,261 Cycles Close to Data175,179229,970347,186358,085266,592 and/or DMC mini- Cluster 180,000103,000106,090109,272112,550 Data Integration - Ver 200,458204,997200,194204,962201,790 Data Integration - Hor 373,636379,613388,918398,455408,230 Picking Services 161,376165,410381,478391,015400,790 Total Innovation Fund 516,555498,380834,754858,372779,932 Total all sources ( $M) Innovation Fund Other Sources Retasking PI PI = Pan IRIS