U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office of Field Operations Protecting America 24/7 Good morning/afternoon, and thank you for the opportunity to share with you the important mission of CBP Field Operations.
Our Mission We guard both our nation’s physical and economic security. We control the legal access to the U.S. and protect the U.S. by keeping people and things that would do us harm out of our country, while facilitating the international trade and travel that is the life blood of our economy.
We’ve got the U.S. covered. CBP’s Office of Field Operations personnel are on the front line at 329 land, air, and sea ports of entry throughout the mainland United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and the Caribbean. OFO has 20 regional Field Offices, each of which oversees multiple ports of entry.
Our reach extends well beyond our borders. Preclearance operations support CBP’s extended border strategy by providing for the inspection and clearance of commercial passengers on foreign soil. These operations are established via a formal agreement between the United States and host country, which allows CBP to staff officers at host airports and facilitate the customs and immigration process for passengers prior to arrival in the U.S. Key objectives of preclearance operations include: preventing terrorists, terrorist instruments and other national security threats from gaining access to the U.S.; intercepting inadmissible persons and goods before boarding U.S.-bound conveyances; protecting the U.S. agricultural infrastructure from foreign pests, disease and global outbreaks, facilitating the entry of legitimate trade and travelers across our U.S. borders; and reducing congestion at U.S. “gateway” airports and support domestic connections. Locations: Vancouver, Victoria, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Nassau, Freeport, Aruba, Halifax, Bermuda, Dublin, Shannon, Abu Dhabi
Miami Field Office 5 Ports of Entry Miami International Airport Miami Seaport Port Everglades/Fort Lauderdale West Palm Beach Key West More than 2,100 employees
Miami Field Office Workload Data MFO Traffic Volume Statistics Category FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 Commercial Aircraft 118,529 120,840 120,649 Commercial Air Pax/Crew 10,573,506 11,051,244 11,564,912 Private Aircraft 32,098 31,095 32,215 Private Aircraft Pax/Crew 128,091 124,623 130,815 Vessels/Small Boats 21,458 20,451 19,490 Vessel/Small Boat Pax/Crew 5,832,073 5,535,558 5,540,789 Total Passengers/Ped/Crew 16,533,670 16,711,425 17,236,516
OFO Mission: Anti-terrorism The Threat Remains… While Mission Complexity Increases and External Demands Accelerate CBP is constantly refining and enhancing its anti-terrorism operations to combat evolving threats. In Fiscal Year 2013, as a result of CBP's Pre-Departure targeting efforts, 5,378 high risk travelers, who would have been found inadmissible, were prevented from boarding flights destined for the U.S. Our primary mission remains anti-terrorism. While we are acutely aware of how imperative it is to facilitate the lawful flow of goods and people into the U.S., we will not degrade our primary anti-terrorism mission. CBP Field Operations’ first priority remains protecting the United States. There are still those who wish to do us harm, and we maintain a singular focus on preventing the entry of those individuals. As a result of the efforts of CBP’s National Targeting Center and Immigration Advisory Program, 5,378 high-risk travelers, who would have been found inadmissible, were prevented from boarding flights destined for the U.S. in FY2013
OFO Mission: Facilitate Lawful Travel In FY 2013, CBP Field Operations inspected more than 360 million travelers at 329 ports of entry. OFO intercepted approximately 132,000 inadmissible aliens at the POEs, and arrested 7,976 criminals Since 2009, we have seen year over year growth in both trade and travel. Total passenger volume in FY 13 was 6.4% higher than in FY 2011, and non-immigrant arrivals during the same time period increased by nearly 9%. Woman hiding in trunk of car Man hiding amid paint supplies in the back of a pickup truck
OFO Mission: Cargo Security In FY 2013, CBP’s Office of Field Operations processed more than 24 million truck, rail, and sea containers. Total cargo containers processed increased by 1% from FY2012 to FY2013. Over the last 5 years, containers processed have increased approximately 19% - that’s an average of 67,337 containers being processed daily! OFO secures and facilitates imports arriving in the U.S., accommodating growing volumes of trade in an increasingly complex global marketplace. CBP has established a strong foundation of partnerships with trade stakeholders and employs state-of-the-art non-intrusive inspection technologies to screen commercial traffic, facilitating the flow of legitimate trade. Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) technology includes large-scale X-ray and gamma-ray imaging systems as well as portable and hand-held devices, enabling officers to screen commercial traffic for the presence of contraband, terrorists, and the implements of terror, while facilitating the flow of legitimate cargo. Examples of public/private partnerships with trade stakeholders include: Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) – a voluntary government-business initiative that builds cooperative relationships that strengthen and improve overall international supply chain and U.S. border security; and Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) and the Importer Security Filing (10+2) system –advance data initiatives that that enhance CBP’s risk-based, layered enforcement strategy and targeting capabilities.
and over $74 million in currency OFO Mission: Seizing Contraband In FY 2013, CBP Field Operations seized approximately 540,000 pounds of drugs, over 241,000 rounds of ammunition, and over $74 million in currency “Contraband” is anything prohibited by law from being imported or exported. Such illegal activities include unlawful or prohibited trade and smuggling. Through careful review of travelers and cargo at the ports of entry, CBP officers seize thousands of pounds of narcotics, weapons and ammunition. On a typical day in FY 2013, CBP seized more than 930 kilograms of narcotics. [For context, a Honda Civic weighs 2600 lbs.] Highlights FY12-13: Cocaine –14% decrease Heroin –12.4% increase Marijuana –8.7% decrease Methamphetamine – 54.2% increase Currency Inbound – 15.3% increase Currency Outbound – 16.5% increase Firearms Inbound – 4.5% increase Firearms Outbound – 326.3% increase!
OFO Mission: Trade Enforcement In FY 2013, CBP Field Operations processed more than $2.3 trillion in trade, processed 25 million cargo containers and conducted more than 24,000 seizures of goods that violated intellectual property rights, with a total of $1.7 billion – a 38% increase in value from FY 2012 Pictures, clockwise from top left: Counterfeit sunglasses Counterfeit watches Counterfeit iPods This year, CBP processed more than $2.3 trillion in trade while enforcing U.S. trade laws that protect the nation’s economy and the health and safety of the American public. CBP processed nearly 25 million cargo containers through the nation's ports of entry, up 1 percent from last year. CBP conducted more than 24,000 seizures of goods that violated intellectual property rights, with a total retail value of $1.7 billion, representing a 38 percent increase in value from FY 2012. CBP is committed to safeguarding American consumers from counterfeit and potentially dangerous products, and protecting American businesses’ intellectual property rights and trademarks. If it’s part of your life, it’s part of our job.
OFO Mission: Agriculture Quarantine Inspection In FY2013, CBP Field Operations intercepted more than 1.6 million prohibited animal and plant products and prevented more than 161,000 agriculture pests from entering the country CBP Agriculture Specialists are responsible for protecting the U.S. from the threat of invasive plant pests and foreign animal diseases. Our inspection and prevention efforts are designed to keep prohibited agricultural items from entering the U.S. The potential economic impact is massive and invasive species cause an estimated $136 billion in lost agriculture revenue annually. We work closely with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to protect our Nation’s agriculture and forestry resources. Picture identifications – clockwise from far left CBPAS conducting agriculture X-ray screening A CBPAS inspects prohibited fruit and other food items seized at a POE Prohibited pork sausage concealed in a vehicle tire on the Southwest border Smuggled Giant African Land Snails – an invasive species – seized at Dulles Int’l Airport CBP agriculture K-9 Frodo detected prohibited agriculture items at Chicago O’Hare Int’l Airport Khapra beetle- one of the world’s most destructive pests. This specimen was found in a package of rice carried by a passenger from Iran. It feeds on dried materials and is resistant to insecticides. If it’s part of your life, it’s part of our job.
Current Trends: Volumes Increasing Air Passengers Containers POVs Staffing has remained flat Roughly 25 million cargo containers in FY 13, a 20% increase since the FY 09 economic downturn; annual projected growth of 1% - 2%. Total air passenger volume is up over 16.5% compared to FY 09. Air travel expected to grow 4% - 5% annually for the next several years. CBP Officer Staffing Our mission: increasingly complex and diverse – reflecting our world. We constantly monitor travel and trade trends, adjusting operations to optimize its resources and embracing new, more efficient ways of doing business.
Resource Optimization Strategy Business Transformation Automate paper processes Increase use of mobile technology Expand Trusted Traveler and Trade Programs Workload Staffing Model Identifies CBPO Staffing Needs Rigorous, Data-Driven Model Validated, Flexible Approach Alternative Funding Sources CBP Received Authority to Enter into Public Private Partnerships (Section 560 (FY13) and Section 559 (FY14)) Raising Customs & Immigration User Fees Full Cost Recovery for Agricultural Quarantine Inspection Services Resource Optimization Strategy: Designed to transform operations at all land, air, and sea POEs Three main components: Optimize current business processes Identify staffing requirements accurately Explore alternative funding strategies to increase revenue sources supporting staffing BTIs: Emphasize that the right mix of technology, process reengineering, and successful implementation can result in an important workforce multiplier. Workload Staffing Model: The primary decision-support tool for identifying staffing requirements at air, land, and sea ports. Alternative Sources of Funding: Explore funding sources other than appropriations to support additional resources, i.e. Sec. 560 of the FY 13 Omnibus and Section 559 of FY14. Private-Public partnerships More cost recovery associated with user fee supported activities
Our Strategy To Manage Growth Effectively Implement Business Transformation Initiatives to Maximize Existing Resources Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative I-94 automation and other paper forms Automated passport control kiosks Mobile technology Expand Trusted Traveler Programs New scheduling software Express Connect and One-stop We are committed to efficiency. CBP continually seeks ways to enhance the process and experience for arriving travelers by making it paperless, seamless, mobile, and more self-directed. These efforts – some visible to travelers and some transparent – include pedestrian kiosks at land borders; the use of smart-phone and mobile technologies; automated passport control processes; and pre-departure passenger screening. The efficiencies OFO implemented during our first decade – such as the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative; Radio Frequency Identification-enabled documents; license plate readers; trusted traveler and trusted trader programs; and an array of non-intrusive inspection technologies – clearly demonstrate our commitment to continuous, rigorous self-examination.
Automated Passport Control 16
Simultaneous Processing The APC Concept CBP Officer Traditional Primary Line Simultaneous Processing Sequential Processing U. S Customs and Border Protection
What’s Next Business Transformation: Focus on increased used of automated passport control kiosks Expand use of mobile technology Workload Staffing Model: In FY14, we asked for 3,811 CBP officers based on the need indicated by our staffing model Congress recognized our staffing needs and provided funding for 2,000 additional officers Working to recruit, hire, and train highest caliber individuals to meet this hiring mandate by the end of FY15 CBP will submit an updated staffing requirement as part of the FY15 budget process Alternative Sources of Funding: Implement public-private partnerships authorized in FY13 (reimbursable services) Identify additional public-private partnerships authorized in FY14 (reimbursable services and donations of real and personal property) Pursue increases in customs and immigration user fees Effective operation of our ports of entry is essential to our economy and American jobs. CBP is maximizing resources to help support economic growth. We are automating processes, going paperless, employing mobile technology and self-service kiosks, and exploring public-private partnerships to help support current and future mission requirements. These efforts have not been enough to close the gap with our current need or to keep peace with increasing volumes of trade and travel. Congress recognized CBP’s need for additional staffing and appropriated funding for 2,000 new officers by the end of 2015 in the 2014 Omnibus. We will work aggressively to meet our hiring initiatives. These 2,000 CBP officers will go a long way towards addressing our current challenges and supporting additional requests for services. CBP will continue to allocate all of our resources as effectively as possible, recognizing that there are resource needs in all environments – air, land, and sea – to address all modes of transportation.
CBP Field Operations Core Values Vigilance Integrity Service to Country OFO Proud! OFO employees play a unique and important role supporting a law enforcement mission. Our mission involves daily interaction with thousands of travelers, in challenging operational environments. We carry a unique responsibility to uphold the Core Values and Oath of Office. We are the frontline. We are OFO Proud! Thank you for taking time to learn more about CBP’s Office of Field Operations. Questions?
Contact information Stephen Maloney, Supervisory Program Manager stephen.maloney@cbp.dhs.gov 305.810.5209 (office)/305.970.1151 (cell) Jose Castellano, Border Community Liaison jose.l.castellano@cbp.dhs.gov 305.810.5168 (office)/305.796.6003 (cell)