Campus Recreation Advisory Board October 26, 2012 CAMPUS RECREATION FY 14 BUDGET PROPOSAL
Department of Campus Recreation $ 1, 588,152 Administration $ 604,183 Salaries $445,093 Department wide expenses 97,400 Chargebacks $17,500 Travel $19,770 Department Software $24,420 Facility Operations $ 662,257 Aquatics Center $ 52,000 Rec Center and ROC $260,994 South Village Pool $130,928 Waterfront $218,335 Programs $ 373,712 Fitness $80,833 Intramural Sports $144,321 Outdoor Pursuits $55,392 Special Events $49,788 Sport Clubs $43,378 HOW A&S DOLLARS BREAK DOWN
Housing & Residence Life is paying for construction Campus Recreation will manage the pool Scheduled to begin construction in Spring 2013 Recreation pool (ie: NO SWIM TEAMS!) Focus on the students Generate revenue for Campus Recreation SOUTH VILLAGE POOL
Aquatics Coordinator for SoVi Pool & Waterfront Position currently funded through Auxiliary funds Expansion in programming & facility space Intramural Sports Coordinator Large program Save $20-25,000 in OPS wages Allows AD- Programs to focus on bigger picture 2 PROPOSED POSITIONS
Office Modular Rental Notified in July we must pay for office space Replacing current modular for larger model Become the “Administrative Offices” More space in Rec Center for program areas Department Software Save money Generate more revenue Collect accurate data Improved customer service OPERATIONAL EXPENSES
Suzanne Ries Assistant Director FACILITY OPERATIONS
OPS Wages Change in hours from to Affected both the Rec Center and the Waterfront OPS HIGHLIGHTS
Operating Expenses Rec Center/ROC: Plate Loaded Equipment Security Cameras Strength & Cardio Equipment Maintenance Group Fitness Studio Flooring ROC Maintenance Waterfront Security Cameras Boat Repairs and Maintenance Sand Rescue Boat Upgrades OPERATING EXPENSE HIGHLIGHTS
Capital Expenses Rec Center/ROC Cardio Equipment Waterfront Motorized Boat CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS
Robbie Bell Assistant Director PROGRAMS
OPS Wages - Outdoor Pursuits- More Eagle Challenge Course Groups and an overall growing program - Sport Clubs- Increase due request for an intern OPS HIGHLIGHTS
Operating Expenses - Outdoor Pursuits- New equipment for the Eagle Challenge Course and new bikes for our bike rental program - Fitness- Eight new spin bikes for Group Exercise classes - Intramurals- Replacement equipment - Sport Clubs- EMT and trainers for clubs OPERATING EXPENSE HIGHLIGHTS
Capital Expenses - Gator vehicle- the primary use for this would be for Intramurals, however, our clubs would also use this for games as would our other programs. - This would also be used at the Waterfront and ROC to drag the beach and sand volleyball courts CAPITAL PURCHASE