Oregon Tech - 5 Year Projection – No Support FY (in thousands) FY (in thousands) FY (in thousands) FY (in thousands) FY (in thousands) State General Fund Allocation$ 17,635$ 19,661$ $ 19,514$ 20,054 Tuition, Fees, Other Revenues26,00427,59029,86031,61733,109 Total Revenues & State Funding43,63947,25148,85051,13153,163 Personnel Costs33,90736,46738,51639,73341,230 Service and Supplies9,3829,4209,6449,87310,109 Debt Service1,291 Total Expense, Debt & Transfer44,58047,178 49,45150,89752,630 Shared Services Costs – Other Significant Costs (unfunded) - 2,2702,3152,3612,409 Governance Costs Change in Fund Balance(941) (2,197) (3,191) (2,408) (2,161) Beginning Fund Balance 4,503 3,562 1,365 (1,826)(4,234) Ending Fund Balance\ (Deficit)$ 3,562 $ 1,365($1,826)($ 4,234)($ 6,396) Fund Balance as % of Revenue8.16% 2.89% (3.74%) (8.28%) (12.03%)
Oregon Tech - 5 Year Projection Full Support FY (in thousands) FY (in thousands) FY (in thousands) FY (in thousands) FY (in thousands) State General Fund – Full Support$ 17,635$ 21,930$ 21,305$ 21,875$ 22,463 Tuition, Fees, Other Revenues26,00427,59029,86031,61733,109 Total Revenues & State Funding43,63949,52051,16553,49255,572 Personnel Costs33,90736,46738,51639,73341,230 Service and Supplies9,3829,4209,6449,87310,109 Debt Service1,291 Total Expense, Debt & Transfer44,58047,178 49,45150,89752,630 Shared Services Costs – Other Significant Costs (unfunded) - 2,2702,3152, Governance Costs Change in Fund Balance(941) 72 (876)(46) 247 Beginning Fund Balance 4,503 3,562 3,634 2,758 2,712 Ending Fund Balance$ 3,562 $ 3,634$ 2,758$ 2,712 $ 2,959 Fund Balance as % of Revenue8.16%7.34%5.39%5.07%5.32%
Oregon Tech - 5 Year Projection – 50% Support FY (in thousands) FY (in thousands) FY (in thousands) FY (in thousands) FY (in thousands) State General Fund – Full Support$ 17,635$ 20,795$ 20,147$ 20,695$ 21,258 Tuition, Fees, Other Revenues26,00427,59029,86031,61733,109 Total Revenues & State Funding43,63948,38550,00752,31254,367 Personnel Costs33,90736,46738,51639,73341,230 Service and Supplies9,3829,4209,6449,87310,109 Debt Service1,291 Total Expense, Debt & Transfer44,58047,178 49,45150,89752,630 Shared Services Costs – Other Significant Costs (unfunded) - 2,2702,3152, Governance Costs Change in Fund Balance(941) (1,063) (2,034)(1,226) (958) Beginning Fund Balance 4,503 3,562 2, (761) Ending Fund Balance$ 3,562 $ 2,499$ 465($ 761) ($ 1,719) Fund Balance as % of Revenue8.16%5.17%0.93%-1.46%-3.16%