B UDGET O VERVIEW Forest Health Committee Meeting Annapolis, MD Feb 28-Mar 1, 2012
F OREST H EALTH - F ED C ONSOLIDATION P ROPOSAL FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013 Enacted President's Budget (in million dollars) FOREST HEALTH - Fed S&PF WFM Total
F OREST H EALTH - F ED C ONSOLIDATION P ROPOSAL FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013 Enacted President's Budget (in million dollars) FOREST HEALTH - Fed S&PF WFM Total Performance Measures Invasive Acres Treated 163, , ,598 Native Pests Acres Treated 287, , ,409
F OREST H EALTH - F ED C ONSOLIDATION P ROPOSAL FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013 Enacted President's Budget (in million dollars) FOREST HEALTH - Fed S&PF WFM Total Performance Measures Invasive Acres Treated 163, , ,598 Native Pests Acres Treated 287, , ,409 Western bark beetles Emerald ash borer Asian longhorned beetle Sudden oak death Oak wilt, root diseases Hemlock woolly adelgid Thousand cankers disease Southern pine beetle Gypsy moth
F OREST H EALTH - C OOP C ONSOLIDATION P ROPOSAL FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013 Enacted President's Budget (in million dollars) FOREST HEALTH - Coop S&PF WFM Total
F OREST H EALTH - C OOP C ONSOLIDATION P ROPOSAL FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013 Enacted President's Budget (in million dollars) FOREST HEALTH - Coop S&PF WFM Total Performance Measures Invasive Acres Treated 606,831394,099431,581 Native Pests Acres Treated159,17136,41340,542
APHIS FY 2011FY 2012FY 2013 Enacted President's Budget (in million dollars) Tree & Wood Pest EAB budgets are to be further reduced. 21% decrease Of the total APHIS budget of $762M, $1.98M will “remain available until expended, shall be available for the control of outbreaks of insects, plant diseases, animal diseases and for control of pest animals and birds ("contingency fund'') to the extent necessary to meet emergency conditions.
N EXT S TEPS Normal Appropriations Process: HouseSenateConference What’s likely to happen: Best case – one continuing resolution (CR) for all of FY13 Worst case – a series of short-term CRs, similar to FY12
Q UESTIONS Cecilia M Clavet Policy Analyst (o) (c)