Type in FY Select whether Semi-Annual (Oct - Mar) Annual (Apr - Sep) Type in Unit Name Ex: Military Training Network Type in complete mailing address: EX: Military Training Network 4301 Jones Bridge Road Bethesda MD Type in Program Director’s rank and full name & TSF card exp date Type in Program Admin’s rank and full name DSN Phone number Enter N/A Type in Commercial Phone number Type in PD’s address. Reserve/Guard please provide additional and phone number Type in PA’s address. Reserve/Guard please provide additional and phone No. of Cards issued by unit to student Actual no. of cards destroyed No. of cards remaining on hand Self Explanatory Total # of students trained Oct - Mar Total # of students trained Apr-Sep (note: N/A for Semi- Annual report) Total numbers from the left Columns (note: N/A for Semi- Annual Enter the no. of students that you plan to teach for the next year (Note: N/A for Semi-Annual report.) Self Explanatory Type in Commander phone # Type in DSN/Com fax number No. of TSFs. No. of HCP instructors No. of HS instructors No. of Satellites under your site
NOTE: Submit only this page for Semi-Annual report
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Page 3 of 3 Note: This page should list all your instructors & TSFs (from your unit and satellite units) All Annual Reports must include a copy of your course agenda for each respective course-level taught. Refer to the MTN website for Program Manager contact/other pertinent information: