simplistic (adjective) Variants: simplistically (adverb) Definition: oversimplified; avoiding or ignoring complexities Synonym: unsophisticated, naive Antonym: sophisticated, complicated His simplistic plan for economic improvement failed to account for foreign investment and the GNP.
incredulous (adjective) Variants: incredulously (adverb); incredulousness (noun) Definition: unwilling or unable to believe; showing disbelief Synonym: skeptical Antonym: credulous, gullible The politician’s lavish promises provoked incredulous responses rather than the admiration he sought.
ascetic (adjective) Variants: ascetically (adverb) Definition: Reflecting self-denial (as in religious discipline); choosing minimal comforts Synonyms: austere, Spartan Antonym: self-indulgent, hedonistic Her modest room reflected the ascetic values she advocated.
vicarious (adjective) vicariously (adverb), vicariousness (noun) Definition: Experienced through someone else rather than first hand; endured as substitute for someone else; delegated synonym: second-hand [experience] antonym: actual [experience] Because she loved her son, she found vicarious pleasure in his tremendous successes.
allocation (noun) Variants: allocate (verb), allocatable (adjective); allocator (noun) Definition: the act of setting aside for a special purpose; designation Synonym: allotment, apportionment Antonym: abandonment Sentence: The mayor insisted the park district include an allocation of land in order to build a playground. The mayor insisted the parked district allocate land for a playground.
admonish (transitive verb) Variants: admonishment (noun) Definition: To caution, criticize, or counsel gently against Synonym: chastise, reproach, rebuke Antonym: approve, commend, praise The anti-tobacco lobbyist admonished the President for his inability to quit smoking.
presumptuous (adjective) presumptuously (adv.), presumptuousness (noun) overconfident, excessively forward, taking too much for granted Syn: arrogant Ant: humble, modest Darcy’s presumptuous manner understandably offends Elizabeth Bennet.
subversive (adjective,noun) variants: subvert (verb), subversively (adverb) Definition: tending or seeking to subvert, overthrow or destroy (an established government, institution, belief, etc) Synonym: rebellious, disloyal Antonym: loyal, faithful Sentence: The Canadian government—indeed, the majority of Canadian citizens—believed the Nisei to be subversive operatives.
vacuous (adjective) Variants: vacuously (adverb) Definition: without contents, empty Synonym: bare, blank, devoid Antonym: full, abundant Sentence: When the class looked at her with vacuous stares, the teacher knew the lesson had failed.
avocation (noun) Variants: avocational (adjective) Definition: something a person does in addition to a principal occupation, especially for pleasure Synonym: pastime, hobby Antonym: job, occupation Sentence: Oddly enough, the math teacher’s avocation was the study of Old Norse epics.
impetus (noun) Variants: Definition: a moving force; impulse, stimulus Synonym: encouragement, incentive, motivation Antonym: hindrance, block Sentence: Dr. Martin Luther King’s speeches were the impetus behind the civil rights movement.
reticent (adjective) Variants: reticently (adverb), reticence (noun) Definition: inclined to keep one’s thoughts and feelings to oneself, secretive, quiet Synonym: reluctant, restrained, reserved Antonym: communicative, forward, unrestrained Sentence: The reticent student hid in the back row, unwilling to participate in the class discussion.
physiognomy (noun) Variants: physiognomic (adj), physiognomically (adv) Definition: The features of somebody’s face especially used as indicators of character or temperament. Synonym: aspect, look, visage Antonym: none Sentence: In Great Expectations, Pip is frightened by the convict, for his physiognomy is menacing.
insipid (adjective) Variants: insipidness (noun), insipidly (adverb) Definition: without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities Synonym: bland, dull Antonym: exhilarating Sentence: Cauliflower’s insipid taste requires cheese or spices to make it palatable.
tedium (noun) Variants: tedious (adjective), tediously (adverb) Definition: quality or condition of being wearisome or boring Synonym: dullness, monotony Antonym: entertainment, excitement, diversion Sentence: In order to take the tedium out of exercise, aerobic instructors rely on loud, exciting music.
cajole (verb) Variants: cajolery(noun), cajolingly(adverb) Definition: to persuade by flattery or promises Synonym: wheedle, coax, flatter Antonym: bully, force, repel Sentence: The boy cajoled her into giving him some of her cookies.
blasé (adjective) Variants: none Definition: not impressed or worried by something, usually because of previous experience Synonym: unconcerned, nonchalant Antonym: uptight, worried Sentence: Paris Hilton’s blasé attitude towards spending money is typical of the very wealthy: they do not have to worry about paying bills.
indolent (adjective) Variants: indolence (n), indolently (adv) Definition: Lethargic and not showing any interest. Also describes a disease that is slow to develop and causes no pain. Synonym: sluggish, apathetic, lazy Antonym: industrious, productive Sentence: It is difficult to move from summer’s indolence to the necessary productivity of the school year.
choleric (adjective) Variants: choler (noun)*, cholerically (adverb) *NOT cholera—that’s a disease! Definition: showing or tending to show anger or irritation Synonym: bad-tempered, irascible Antonym: phlegmatic, impassive Sentence: Ivan Ilyich’s choleric manner intimidates his family.
phlegmatic (adjective) Variants: phlegmatically (adverb) Definition: unemotional, difficult to excite to action or display of emotion synonym: indifferent, undemonstrative antonym: energetic, lively Sentence: Obasan’s phlegmatic approach to life irritates the crusading Emily.
impasse (noun ) Variants: none Definition: predicament from which there is no escape; impassible road or way Synonym: stalemate, deadlock Antonym: progress Sentence: After days of deliberation, the jury reached an impasse, necessitating a new trial.
adulation (noun) Variants: adulate (verb) Definition: excessive flattery or adoration Synonym: obsequiousness, sycophancy Antonym: insult, offense Sentence: Robert Pattinson is the object of young girls’ adulation.
censure (noun, verb) Variants: censure (transitive verb) Definition: judgment involving condemnation Synonym: rebuke, reproach Antonym: honor, acclamation Sentence: Following the lawyer’s emotional outburst, the judge had no choice but to censure him.
dissimulation (noun) Variants: dissimulate (verb), dissimulative (adjective), dissimulator (noun) Definition: act of deceiving/concealing true feelings and intentions synonym: deception, deceit, disguise, dissembling antonym: frankness, honesty, truthfulness Sentence: As he becomes more desperately ill, Ivan Ilyich finds dissimulation more difficult, and his family is frightened by the anger he reveals.