W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School BIOSPHERE Subtopic (a) Investigating an ecosystem
W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 1. What is the name of the place where an organism lives? Answer: Habitat
W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 2. What name is given to a group of organisms occupying a given space, together with their non-living environment? Answer: Ecosystem
W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 3. Name the type of organism which is able to manufacture food using the energy from the sun. Answer: A Producer or a green plant
W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 4. What name is given to the factors in an ecosystem related to living things? Answer: Biotic Factors
W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 5. How do you estimate the abundance of a plant when using a quadrat ? Answer: Count the number of small squares which contain the plant.
W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 6.6. List any abiotic factors which can be measured in an ecosystem. Answer: light humidity temperature moisture pH
W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 7.7. What type of organism might you sample if you placed a pitfall trap in your garden? Answer: Small animals which move along the surface of the soil amongst the leaf litter. [ants, beetles, woodlice, spiders etc]
W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 8.8. How could you minimise errors when using a pitfall trap. Answer: set several traps disguise the opening of the container check traps regularly
W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 9.9. What is an abiotic factor? Answer: A non living factor.
W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 10. What precautions which must be taken when comparing 2 different areas for light intensity. Answer: Readings must be taken at same time of day light meters held at same angle readings taken in same weather conditions avoid casting your own shadow on the meter.
W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 11. How could you obtain a more reliable measurement of the conditions existing in an area? Answer: Take more samples
W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 12. What happens to the moisture content of the soil as you move down a slope? Answer: It increases
W. McConnell 2004 Kinross High School 13. Why are green plants not found in the soil under sheds and garages? Answer: Because there would not be enough light for the plants to photosynthesise.
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