SUM-UP activities Chapters 3 and 4 QUESTIONS on your pack of photocopies (pages 5 and 6)
Chapter 3: SUM-UP QUESTIONS on the pack (page 5) 1. Why is the word “minder” in inverted commas? 2. Compare how the Woods live to life in a township. = someone who protects another person, often a famous person, from danger and unwanted public attention The President arrived surrounded by his minders. = someone who controls what another person says and does Her public-relations minder didn’t allow Shakira to answer any of the journalists' questions. Ironical use? Informal use?
Chapter 4: SUM-UP QUESTIONS on the pack (page 5 and 6) 3. Why does Woods have to wear old clothes when he visits the black township? 4. Give examples of racial discrimination in chapters 3 and Are the editor’s views on Apartheid changing? In what sense?
While visiting the _________in Zanempilo, Woods and Biko talk about the situation of black people in South Africa, about the role to be played by them independently from white people. Biko explains the concept of ________ that black people have to overcome. They have always been presented a world for _____ people, created and written by white people. Biko invites Woods to visit a black ________ and see how black people really live. Chapter 3: Summary: clinic white township inferiority
Sum-up vocabulary activity in chapter 3 : 1.“Was this place your idea?” Woods challenged. 2. achievement 3. Glance at 4. embarrassed 5. impressive Qüestionar, Demanar, desafiar Fita, logro mirar, fer una cop d’ull avergonyit Admirable, que causa admiració
Woods wears a ________ to go to a township with Biko, who leaves someone sitting at his desk pretending it is him. This way they avoid Biko’s ______ He goes in a black______, with more black men. One of them is________, one of the workers at the _________ Chapter 4: Summary: disguise Mapetla hospital minders taxi
Sum-up vocabulary activity in chapter 4 : 1.“ It is worth...”. 2. duty 3. squash 4. mood 5. Unsmiling 6. Unaware 7. Blackness 8. emptiness Val la pena... obligació aixafar clima, atmosfera, + humor Seriosos, adustos,... inconscient, ignorant el fet de ser negre buidor