Daniel Handler (Lemony Snicket ) He was born in the year of 1970 handler lives in san Francisco California He wrights children's books THE AUTHOR! t
The lumber mill was NOT a place for Children to work! There were large Dangerous machines that would cut The wood in half! The lumber mill was A bad place to live to!
violet is the oldest Baudelaire. She is 14 and Loves to invent tools to help Stay away from count oalf! violet Sunny is the youngest Baudelaire! She loves to bite anything hard! sunny Klaus is the 2 nd oldest Baudelaire! He is about 12! He loves to read books! Klaus Main characters
Count Olaf Count Olaf has Been trying to take the Bauldrine fortune! He dresses up in disguises to trick people Main characters
Scene one In this scene the Bauldrine children arrive to the lumber mill! When they are at the lumber mill everyone is so surprised that children are working here! The children will eat, sleep, and work their with all the other workers.
The Bauldrine children are working in the lumber mill and for the 2 nd Time Klaus breaks his glasses so they take him there! When they Get there count Olaf was in disguise as Shirley the assistant ! Scene 2
S c e n e 3 In scene 3 count Olaf and the eye doctor are in the saw room And one of the workers is on the saw and he is about to Get cut in half! The Bauldrines save the day with Klaus making A invention and sunny fighting off count Olaf so the kids Wont be taking away!
Scene 4 Mr.poe helps and tries to catch count Olaf but he Isn't able to so he picks up the children and leaves
I loved this book ! I thought the book was very interesting. This book Is kinda like a mystery book! It makes you want to read the whole series. I would recommend this book to students who like books that DON’T have a Happy ending and really any happy parts! It’s a really good book and creative I recommend this book to YOU! MY OPI NON