To 160 th Ave Church of Christ
People Wear Disguises for Different Reasons People put themselves on as great Christians when in reality they are rotten to the core. – Pharisees (Matt 23:25-28)
People Wear Disguises for Different Reasons People put themselves on as great Christians when in reality they are rotten to the core. – Pharisees (Matt 23:25-28) People pretend like they are doing well when they are struggling!
God is Not Fooled Dress and Disguise – Jeroboam’s wife (1 Kings 14:1-6) By Good Intentions/ Momentary Sincerity/ Fake Repentance – Ahab and Naboth(1 Kings 21:20-24, 27-29) – Disguise in Battle (1 Kings 22) – (1 Kings 22:37-40) God is Never fooled!
We Must not be fooled God is not fooled but we can be. God’s warning about being deceived – Wolves (Matt. 7:15) – False Teachers (2 Cor. 11:13-15) – False Teachers (2 Tim. 3:1-7) – Men who have deceived themselves (Matt 7:21-23) How Do We Know? – Test them (1 John 4:1) – By their fruits (Matt. 7:16-20) What do their actions show? What do their teachings show? (remember someone can teach something wrong due to lack of not and not b/c they are a false teacher)
People Wear Masks and Pretend to be Strong when they are Weak A very common struggle God knows, but others can be fooled – Take off the mask – It is hard to help, if we don’t know help is needed. People can disguise so well that sometimes they themselves are deceived by it. – We must consider the fruits of our brethren so that we might help We are all sinners, don’t deceive yourself. Make your lives right with God! (1 John 1:8-10)