Warm up Translate the following in French: I like to go shopping; I go eat little, we go play music. We go play also tennis…often, soccer also.
On page 178: qu’est-ce que tu fais quand tu sors? *Listen cd 6 Tr. 6, 7, 8. * Then,do :qu’en penses-tu? And Savais-tu que…? On page 179: Comment dit-on…? Extending and responding to invitations **Allons a parc! D’accord. To refuse: ça ne me rien
On page 179, do cd 6 Tr. 9 Same page, do # 18, 19. The verb vouloir ( irregular verb : to want) Je veux nous voulons Tu veux vous voulez Il,elle, on veut IIs, elles veulent Je voudrais ( I would like) is more polite then je veux
On the white board, each student writes two sentences, using the expressions: aller faire, aller jouer, aller manger, aller voir. Look on pages 174 and 175 for examples. You have five minutes to write; then, each student will have a change to read while standing up.
** Give handouts** On page 181, do # 20, 21, 22, 23. On page 182: reading about rencontre culturelle. **Exit**