Training Purposes Only JEM EPO 17A JMU (Ver. 1.0) 1 Notice : This technical data is furnished on the condition that it will be used by and disclosed to the receiving Cooperating agency and its contractors and sub contractors only for the purposes of fulfilling the cooperating agency’s responsibilities under the Space Station Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). It shall not be used for any other purpose, nor disclosed or retransferred to any other entity or government without prior written permission of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). JAXA EPO (Education Payload Operations) For 17A Stage JEM EPO 17A Contact:Takuya Takami Satoshi Kawaguchi
Training Purposes Only JEM EPO 17A JMU (Ver. 1.0) 2 Objectives After this lesson trainee will be able to: Activities Key points Operations Outline two JAXA EPO activities scheduled in Stage 17A. Explain how quickly crew is required to take shots of the moon in a short shooting opportunity. Explain what crew must pay attention to while taking shots of the moon for making the natural art work. Perform EPO tasks according to ODFs.
Training Purposes Only JEM EPO 17A JMU (Ver. 1.0) 3 Lesson Outline Contents: - JAXA EPO activities - ISS Moon Score - Dewey’s Forest - Key Points - Appendix Items for Dewey’s Forest Acronyms and Abbreviations Page:
Training Purposes Only JEM EPO 17A JMU (Ver. 1.0) 4 JAXA EPO activities Two JAXA EPO activities are scheduled in Stage 17A. Name [category]OutlineItems usedImage 1ISS Moon Score -Photographing the Moon [Art] Crewmember takes photos of various phase of the moon through the JPM Window. Moon phase and position in the photos will be translated into musical scores. Outcome: Photographs (downlinked) D2Xs Camera mm Lens 400mm Lens 2Dewey’s Forest Setup -Assembling case to grow up plants [Culture] Crewmember assembles and sets up a plant case in the JPM. Subsequent crewmember will water and grow the plants in the case for two months. Plant kits (see appendix for details)
Training Purposes Only JEM EPO 17A JMU (Ver. 1.0) 5 ISS Moon Score Preparation Camera setting (Step 1) JPM window shutter open (Step 2) Photo session Closeout Photographing with 200mm Lens (Step 3.1) Photographing with 400mm Lens (Step 3.2) JPM window shutter closed (Step 4) Image data save on SSC (Step 5) Camera stowage (Step 6) Step numbers in the flow correspond to the ODF steps. Exposure settings: Mode - Manual Shutter speed - 1/500 Aperture - f/ photos or more are required in approx. 5 minutes per lens. - Moon positions are preferably variable in the view. Variety of moon position due to naturally floating photographer in micro-g environment is desired in order to make a natural variety of sound fluctuations in music.
Training Purposes Only JEM EPO 17A JMU (Ver. 1.0) 6 Dewey’s Forest Setup Plant Unit Case setup Plant Unit Case assembling (Steps 1 to 2) Plant Unit Case installation under GLA in JPM (Step 3) Before cultivation Cultivation Plant Units retrieval from MELFI Watering plant seeds in Plant Units Plant Unit installation into Plant Unit Case Cultivation for two months Watering once a week (TBD) Step numbers in the flow correspond to the ODF steps. After cultivation Create space garden by connecting Plant Units Discussion among crews on their idea and view of nature Video shooting of created space garden and discussion
Training Purposes Only JEM EPO 17A JMU (Ver. 1.0) 7 Dewey’s Forest Setup Installation Bracket with velcros Reflector - attached on bottom of Plant Unit Case - reflects GLA light to plants for better growth - on which watering items are stowed with velcro Plant Unit Case - assembled by crew - in which Plant Units (seeds) will be placed JPM standoff GLA Installation Bracket Plant Unit Case Velcros Watering items
Training Purposes Only JEM EPO 17A JMU (Ver. 1.0) 8 Key Points CategoryKey points SafetyN/A Time Critical OperationAt least 80 photos are required for each phase of the moon per lens to make a long musical score. (1 shot in 3 seconds) Dos and Don’tsTo make a good natural variety of the moon’s position and angle in the view due to micro-g effect: - Hold a camera in landscape relative to yourself. - Do not purposely change the camera’s orientation or angle. - Do not be stabilized, but just float around naturally with the camera in front of the window. Difficulty in Ops.N/A Possible Mis-Ops.N/A
Training Purposes Only JEM EPO 17A JMU (Ver. 1.0) 9 Appendix 1.Items for Dewey’s Forest 2.Acronyms and Abbreviation
Training Purposes Only JEM EPO 17A JMU (Ver. 1.0) 10 A1 - Items for Dewey’s Forest Frame Right Frame Left Frame Cover Rod Cover Installation Bracket Right Installation Bracket Left Reflector
Training Purposes Only JEM EPO 17A JMU (Ver. 1.0) 11 Syringe Kit Plant Unit (Seiryu, Byakko, Suzaku, Genbu) Water Tap Water Bag Large Water Bag Small A1 - Items for Dewey’s Forest
Training Purposes Only JEM EPO 17A JMU (Ver. 1.0) 12 A2 - Acronyms and Abbreviations EPOEducation Payload Operations JPM JEM Pressurized Module SSCStation Support Computer GLAGeneral Luminaries Assembly MELFIMinus Eighty degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS