How to prepare result sheet
How to find total or sum Write equal sign= followed by Sum Open the bracket and write C10 Write: then drag till K10 Close the bracket Then enter it e.g. Dzongkha= 55: economics=63 Highlight and drag C10 to K10 GO
How to find Percentage Write equal sign= followed by AVERAGE Open the bracket Write L9 division sign / followed by 9( i.e. total no. of subjects) Close the bracket Then enter it GO
How to find remarks( pass/ fail) Write equal sign= followed by IF Open the Bracket Write the M10,less than sign< and 40 And write Comma, Open the double inverted ‘’, write pass and close with double inverted comma ‘’ Write comma Again open the double inverted comma ‘’, write fail and close with double inverted comma Then enter it GO
How to find ranks Write equal sign= and IF followed by Opening the bracket Write O10, greater then sign > then write 40 and equal sign Open the double inverted ‘’, write pass and close with double inverted comma ‘’ Write comma Again open the double inverted comma ‘’, write fail and close with double inverted comma Put a comma and write RANK Again open the bracket, write M10, $M$10:M10:$M$39,0 Then close the bracket within and close even over all bracket) Then enter it GO
How to find position =IF(M11>75,"DISTINTICTION",IF(M11>65,"FIR ST",IF(M11>55,"SECOND",IF(M11>40,"THIRD", "FAIL")))) GO