Nondegenerate Solutions of Dispersionless Toda Hierarchy and Tau Functions Teo Lee Peng University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus L.P. Teo, “Conformal Mappings and Dispersionless Toda hierarchy II: General String Equations”, Commun. Math. Phys. 297 (2010),
Dispersionless Toda Hierarchy Dispersionless Toda hierarchy describes the evolutions of two formal power series: with respect to an infinite set of time variables t n, n Z. The evolutions are determined by the Lax equations:
where The Poisson bracket is defined by
The corresponding Orlov-Schulman functions are They satisfy the following evolution equations: Moreover, the following canonical relations hold:
Generalized Faber polynomials and Grunsky coefficients Given a function univalent in a neighbourhood of the origin: and a function univalent at infinity: The generalized Faber polynomials are defined by
The generalized Grunsky coefficients are defined by They can be compactly written as
It follows that
Given a solution of the dispersionless Toda hierarchy, there exists a phi function and a tau function such that Identifying then Tau Functions
Riemann-Hilbert Data The Riemann-Hilbert data of a solution of the dispersionless Toda hierarchy is a pair of functions U and V such that and the canonical Poisson relation
Nondegenerate Soltuions If and therefore Hence, then Such a solution is said to be degenerate.
If Then
We find that and we have the generalized string equation: Such a solution is said to be nondegenerate.
Let Define
One can show that
Define Proposition:
is a function such that
Let Then
We find that
Hence, Similarly,
Special Case
Generalization to Universal Whitham Hierarchy K. Takasaki, T. Takebe and L. P. Teo, “Non-degenerate solutions of universal Whitham hierarchy”, J. Phys. A 43 (2010),
Universal Whitham Hierarchy Lax equations:
Orlov-Schulman functions They satisfy the following Lax equations and the canonical relations
where They have Laurent expansions of the form
we have From
In particular,
Hence, and
The free energy F is defined by Free energy
Generalized Faber polynomials and Grunsky coefficients Notice that
The generalized Grunsky coefficients are defined by
The definition of the free energy implies that
Riemann-Hilbert Data: Nondegeneracy implies that for some function H a.
Nondegenerate solutions
One can show that and
Construction of a It satisfies
Construction of the free energy Then
Special case