SIS Professional Development January 4, 2012 Happy New Year!


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Presentation transcript:

SIS Professional Development January 4, 2012 Happy New Year!

Runny’s Cat and Hoat Runny’s hoat was full of coles- No use to try and patch it. Ramma Mabbit made a new one And a mat to hatch it. How the gang all gaughed and liggled ‘Cause he fooked so lunny. They yelled,”Oh, such a cretty poat On such a bugly unny!” Shel Silverstein

Fluency  “ Fluency (automaticity) is reading words with no noticeable cognitive or mental effort. Fundamental skills are so ‘automatic’ that they do not require conscious attention. Such capacity then enables readers to allocate their attention to the comprehension and meaning of the text.” Juel 1991, Ashlock 2006  Fluency is necessary, but not sufficient for understanding the meaning of text. Jan Hasbrouck, 2006

Copyright © 2006 Ashlock Consulting Inc. Module 1 (K-3) All rights reserved. 4 Bridging Recognizing Words and Comprehending Passages Decoding and Fluency Phonics Phonemic Awareness Alphabet Recognition Concepts of Print Connections Across Texts Use of Reading Strategies Strong Vocabulary

Fluency is…  Accurate reading  Reading with appropriate rate or speed  Reading with expression/prosody Fluency is not…  Reading fast with multiple errors  Speed reading  Robot reading

Professional Reading  Select an article  Read– 20 minutes  Meet in groups of 3-4 to discuss your article – 20 mins. Geometric Review: Record learnings/thoughts that “squared” or agreed with your previous knowledge of fluency. Record learnings/thoughts from the article that you saw from a new angle. Record information you learned from the article that “completed a circle of knowledge” for you. Your list should include things that you had partial knowledge of previously, but did not have a complete understanding of until you gained new knowledge from the article.

Do not ignore reading rate “I do not wish to take anything away from comprehension as the desired and ultimate result of reading and reading instruction. Rather, the point I am hoping to make is that we need to take the notion of slow, inefficient, disfluent reading seriously. Even with adequate comprehension, slow and labored reading will turn any school or recreational reading assignment into a marathon of frustration for nearly any student.” Rasinski, The Reading Teacher, October, 2000

What do fluent readers look like in grades 4-8?  Read 100 – 160 words per minute  Have automatic word recognition skills  Group words into meaningful phrases or chunks  Read with expression  Make few word identification errors and usually self-correct when they do make errors  Understand what they read

Accuracy comes FIRST Accuracy is established by multiple reads with teacher providing corrective feedback until students are reading with an accuracy rate of approximately 95% (1 error out of 20 words) Ways to support multiple rereading for accuracy  Echo reading  Choral reading  Jump-in reading  Cloze reading

Text Selection  Choose a familiar text  Select a passage from the text that is approximately 200 – 300 words in length

Steps for Fluency Instruction  Modeling “Chard et al. looked at studies that used repeated reading with and without models and concluded that having the passage read out loud while the student listened prior to repeated reading was more effective for both fluency and comprehension than not using a model.”  Assisted readings  Repeated readings “ Both Chard et al. and Therrien’s (2004) reviews considered the effects of the number of repeated readings. It appears that 3 to 4 readings are optimal; more than that does not result in appreciable gains in fluency.”  Goal Setting/Timed Reading “ Goal setting had very positive effects for boys and girls, especially when combined with feedback. The act of setting the goal and the subsequent reinforcement of achieving that goal bolsters active student responding and participation.”

Modeling  When you model, remember to ‘think aloud’ as you…  Read with expression/ prosody  Demonstrate combining words into meaningful phrases  Model using punctuation to enhance expression and meaning Note: Students follow along with their own copy of text

Assisted Reading o Oral reading can be used as a scaffolding tool to ease the transition from modeling to independence. It is called assisted reading because a more proficient reader assists or supports the developing reader. Two types of assisted reading Echo Audio – use CD from adopted programs

Repeated Reading  Phrase or chunk reading  Partner reading  Timed readings  See Handouts : Florida Center on Reading Research  Ways I can Practice Fluent Reading –Florida Center for Reading Research  Chunked Text  Reading Twosome  Fluent Reflections (student cue card)

Example: A Week of Fluency Instruction Day 1: MODELING  Ensure accuracy through multiple readings (see handout- Whole Group and Small Group Oral Reading Practice Strategies)  Model fluent reading ( rate, accuracy and expression  Day 2: GUIDED PRACTICE  Model specific skill (punctuation, phrasing, etc.)  Students whisper read as teacher does a 1 minute timing. Students draw bracket in text at end of 1 minute.  2-3 readings using a variety of assisted and repeated reading techniques  Day 3: INDEPENDENT PRACTICE  2-3 readings using a variety of assisted and repeated  Students whisper read as teacher does a 1 minute timing. Students draw bracket in text at end of 1 minute.  Student does self-evaluation, graphing and sets new goals