FVS Regeneration Imputation Don Vandendriesche USDA Forest Service Forest Management Service Center Growth and Yield Group
- Regeneration Imputation To impute implies the assignment of something to another. The process calls for querying existing data sets for representative stand types and tabulating their seedling/sapling component.
- Regeneration Questions Relative to stand conditions … Quantity ~ Seedling Count? Quality ~ Species Composition?
Regeneration Imputation Methods Colville-Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forests
- Spatial Data: 5.6 million acres
- Inventory Data: CVS
Topics I.Ground Rules II.Pattern Revelation III.Repute the Program IV.Prorating Multipliers V.West vs. East
I. Ground Rules Established seedlings generally have an acceptable minimum girth and height that indicates having a root system firmly entrenched in mineral soil. Vegetation states are described as a composite of size and density classes. Size is based on QMD. Density is based on canopy cover.
- Ground Rules Tally 2” saplings - {1” – 3” diameter, ~ 10’ height} Bracket Tally by 5” size class - {0-5”, 5-10”, 10-15”, 15-20”, 20-25”} Bracket Tally by 30% canopy cover - {10-40%, 40-70%, 70%+}
II. Pattern Revelation: “½ - Rule”
- Pattern Revelation: “½ - Rule”
III. REPUTE the Program REPUTE embodies the concept of Regeneration Imputation. REPUTE reads the ‘Stand Table’ output files from the FVSSTAND program to develop regeneration keyword component files.
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IV. Prorating Multipliers The REPUTE program produces an average representation of the strata. This condition depicts the average size and density class. Proportioning the 2” saplings by size/density class based on shade tolerance renders multiplicative factors that can be used in conjunction with REPUTE.
Colville-Okanogan-Wenatchee Plot Distribution
Different species that have a higher tolerance to shade soon become established beneath the pioneers. - Shade Tolerance Intolerant: Western larch Lodgepole pine Ponderosa pine Mid-Tolerant: Western white pine Douglas-fir Tolerant: Grand fir Subalpine fir Engelmann spruce Pacific silver fir Western Redcedar
- Size Class Multipliers
- Canopy Cover Multipliers
- Trial Results: Intolerants
- Trial Results: Mid Tolerants
- Trial Results: Tolerants
- Trial Results: All Shade Tolerances
V. West vs. East Mark Twain National Forest
- Spatial Data: 1.5 million acres
- Inventory Data: FIA
Mark Twain Plot Distribution
- Pattern Revelation: “½ - Rule”
New Regeneration Paradigm
"move towards a full regeneration establishment model for all variants"